Best Service Mystica KONTAKT DVDR | 3.37 Gb

Mystica –世界一流的歌手,最顶尖的图书馆设计师和顶级录音室设备汇聚一堂。 Eduardo Tarilonte与Mystica一起继续他无与伦比的声乐库系列。这款经典的室内合唱团由八位杰出的女歌手组成,可提供独特而迷人的声音,而无可比拟。


-独特的“ Numen合奏”女合唱团,有八位歌手
-5 GB WAV样本,24位/44.1 kHz
-需要NI Kontakt Player Instrument版本5.3.1
-5个“ True Legato”元音(A,E,I,O,U),单独的“ Mmmh”发音


Windows 7或Windows 8(最新Service Pack,32/64位),Intel Core Duo或AMD Athlon 64、2 GB RAM(建议4GB)

Mac OS X 10.7或10.8(最新更新),Intel Core Duo,2 GB RAM(建议4GB)




Mystica – where world class vocalists, the topmost innovative library designer and superior studio gear meet. With Mystica, Eduardo Tarilonte continues his incomparable series of vocal-libraries. This classical chamber choir consists of eight extraordinary female vocalists, delivering a unique, enchanting sound without comparison.

Mystica has been designed as a female-choir-library for unconfined solo use. At the same time, the library forms a perfectly matched mixed choir when being combined with Cantus. Therefore, Mystica has been recorded under identical conditions in spanish KBYO Recording Studios, located in Granada, using eight selected Neumann microphones and Avalon preamps.

Mystica Features:
– unique „Numen Ensemble“ female choir with eight vocalists
– 5 GB WAV samples, 24 bit/44.1 kHz
– NI Kontakt Player Instrument version 5.3.1 required
– 5 “True Legato” vowels (A, E, I, O, U), separate “Mmmh”-articulation
– powerful wordbuilder with 24 words and three different articulations (staccato, fast, slow)
– words can be separated in 120 short words/syllables
– combine words with True-Legato vowels – automatic vowel selection
– 100 Gregorian vocal phrases
– 12 soundscapes, moulded from vocal recordings
– additional vocal effects
– new import/export functions to exchange wordbuilder-patches between Mystica and Cantus
– dry recordings, perfect to be spiced up with individual reverberation

System Requirements:

Windows 7 or Windows 8 (latest Service Pack, 32/64 Bit), Intel Core Duo or AMD Athlon 64, 2 GB RAM (4GB recommended)

Mac OS X 10.7 or 10.8 (latest update), Intel Core Duo, 2 GB RAM (4GB recommended)



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