Version 1.5 contains a new nki with all the cymbals mapped across the keyboard so it is now possible to play the entire range of cymbals without having to load the multi. Alive Cymbals is the ideal complement for your music.


It’s made from a set of 8 cymbals recorded with high-end gears (Audio Technica mics and Nagra LB recorder and preamps) in 88,2kHz 24 bit, edited in the same resolution and then down sampled into 44,1kHz 24 bit with Izotope SRC. Recorded in a warm room in stereo (close position), the sound is raw, vibrant, accurate, and extremely musical.


Main Features :


  • 8 high-end cymbals : a Wuhan 27″ china, a Zildjian 20″ K Custom Dark Ride, a Meinl 18″ Byzance Extra Dry China, a Paiste 16″ Twenty Crash, a Meinl 14″ Byzance Thin Crash, a Sabian 10″ HHX Evolution Splash and a pair of Paiste 2002 Cup Chime (5″ and 5.5″), recorded closely with stick, brush, mallet and/or bow with full sustain (download the manual for full details).
  • Several round robins and velocity layers (3-4 of each, average).
  • Attack & Release controls for all patches, Fx reverb for all the basic patches.
  • 12 sound designed instruments with weird pianos, bells, pads, sci-fi fx with modwheel control.
  • Custom GUIs with photos of the cymbals.
  • 44,1kHz 24 bit stereo files, originaly recorded in 88,2kHz with Nagra recorder and preamps.
  • 377 files, 664 MB using NI ncw lossless format. For Kontakt 4 and above.


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