A fast and flexible way to add dramatic epic and world percussion to your music. Over 400 deep percussion phrases/loops, each with up to 6 mixable stems organized by tonal color. 16GB and 19,000+ samples, plus an 8-slot FX rack.


Welcome to Cue Builders, a thematic collection of time saving compositional building blocks for instant inspiration. Cue Builders’ flexible multi-stem approach offers a level of depth that goes beyond that of other phrase-based libraries, allowing you to dissect and tweak individual elements to dial in just the right flavors.


Cue Builders Cinematic Rhythms contains over 400 tempo-synced percussion loops in 2 categories (Epic and World). Each category offers a wide selection of phrases in 6 time signatures with up to 6 layered (and fully accessible) stems per phrase, conveniently separated by tonal color (High, Mid and Low). A hand-picked team of 10 sound designers from around the world constructed these phrases using our vast boutique collection of meticulously deep-sampled percussion instruments, recorded on a scoring stage. This unique method allowed us to include several valuable features: (1) two microphone positions (close and hall), (2) perfectly synced and fully mixable stems that can be exported individually, (3) phrases exported at four BPM for exceptional quality regardless of your project’s tempo. For convenience, all phrases are also available as drag-and-drop .wav files.




Over 400 multi-stem epic and world percussion loops recorded on a scoring stage
Loops contains up to 6 mixable stems organized by tonal color
6 time signatures (3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/8, 7/8, 12/8)
Sampled at 4 speeds for realistic tempo-syncing
2 microphone positions (Close and Hall)
Modern, easy to use, feature-packed GUI
8-slot FX rack
Drag and drop .wav files included
16 GB of content / 19,120 watermarked samples (16 bit/44.1 kHz NCW)


NI Kontakt (full), version 5.8.1 or above
20 GB disk space
2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
2008 or later processor. Your system must also meet the requirements for version 5.8.1 of Kontakt. If you cannot run that version, you will not be able to load this library.



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