U-he Diva V1.4.5.12092 (WIN/OSX/LINUX) Regged-RET | 130 MB

Diva:恐龙模拟虚拟模拟合成器。Diva 捕捉了五个十年模拟合成器的精神。昔日一些最伟大的单音和复音合成器的振荡器、滤波器和包络都经过精心建模,以获得无与伦比的模拟声音。Diva 不仅仅是一个合成器:重新创建一个旧的最喜欢的或混合匹配的模块来设计你自己独特的混合。

振荡器、滤波器和包络模拟了过去一些伟大的单音和复音合成器中的组件。模块可以混合和匹配,因此您可以构建混合体,但让 DIVA 与众不同的是模拟声音的绝对真实性。这是以相当高的 CPU 负荷为代价的,但我们认为这是值得的:Diva 是第一个实时应用工业电路模拟器(例如 PSpice)方法的本地软件合成器。零延迟反馈滤波器在达到极限时的行为清楚地证明了这种开创性方法的优势。与现代 CPU 的多线程支持版本 1.0 相比,真实、无与伦比的模拟声音
最多可减少 40% 的
CPU 影响——更多的复音,更少的过载
的替代皮肤7 或 8 个老式合成器的精髓,成本约为成本的 1%

Diva: Dinosaur Impersonating Virtual Analogue synthesizer. Diva captures the spirit of five decades of analogue synthesizers. Oscillators, filters, and envelopes from some of the greatest monophonic and polyphonic synths of yesteryear were meticulously modelled for unmatched analogue sound. Diva is more than a single synthesizer: Recreate an old favourite or mix-and-match modules to design your own unique hybrid.

The oscillators, filters and envelopes closely model components found in some of the great monophonic and polyphonic synthesizers of yesteryear. Modules can be mixed and matched so you can build hybrids, but what sets DIVA apart is the sheer authenticity of the analogue sound. This comes at the cost of quite a high CPU-hit, but we think it was worth it: Diva is the first native software synth that applies methods from industrial circuit simulators (e.g. PSpice) in realtime. The behaviour of zero-delay-feedback filters when pushed to the limit clearly demonstrates the advantages of this groundbreaking approach.

authentic, unrivaled analogue sound
up to 40% less CPU-hit than version 1.0
multithreading support for modern CPUs – more polyphony, less overload
even bigger library of gorgeously organic presets
resizable editor window, alternative skins available shortly
the essence of 7 or 8 vintage synths for about 1% of the cost
…and so much more!


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