

TRITON 工作站在软件中的完美再现。

KORG TRITON 系列合成器工作站于 1999 年首次发布,获得荣誉和殊荣。世界各地的顶级音乐家都喜欢富有表现力的 PCM 声音,并在无数首歌曲中使用 TRITON。


今年,在其发布20周年之际,KORG TRITON将最终在软件中实现为KORG系列TRITON。该插件忠实地再现了HI(Hyper集成)合成系统,并包含大量预设程序中的每一个。收回真正的杰作的声音,这是这么多热门歌曲的特点。


包括八部分多音组合、丰富的 PCM 样品、五个 IFX 和两个 MFX,

KORG 集合 TRITON 是 TRITON 的 HI(Hyper 集成)合成系统的完整复制品。


由原始 TRITON 开发人员监督

超过 4,000 个即用声音程序

包括所有扩展库 EXB-PCM 卡


包括 EASY 模式,可让您即时访问重要参数

充满现成短语,具有 307 双音高模式



The last masterpiece of the 20th Century, revived after 20 years.

A perfect reproduction of the TRITON workstation in software.

The KORG TRITON series of synthesizer workstations was first released in 1999 to accolades and prestigious awards. Top musicians around the world loved the expressive PCM sound and used their TRITONs on countless songs.


This year, on the 20th anniversary of its release, the KORG TRITON will finally be realized in software as the KORG Collection TRITON. The plug-in faithfully reproduces the HI (Hyper Integrated) synthesis system down to the smallest details and contains every one of the vast number of preset programs. Reclaim the true masterpiece sound that characterizes so many hit songs.


Including eight-part multi-timbre combis, abundant PCM samples, five IFX, and two MFX,

the KORG Collection TRITON is a complete reproduction of TRITON’s HI (Hyper Integrated) synthesis system.


Supervised by original TRITON developers

Over 4,000 ready-to-go sound programs

Includes all of the expansion library EXB-PCM cards

Features a new sound browser for quickly searching by instrument/character

Includes an EASY mode that gives you instant access to important parameters

Full of ready-to-go phrases with 307 dual arpeggiator patterns

A free demo version is also available


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