AudioZ Exclusive | Kontakt | 3.59 GB

你有多少次拉出低音,结果却挂了 16 个插件以使其适合?

如果有人已经完成了所有艰苦的工作怎么办? – 控制低音炮,使用谐波处理和高端硬件来减轻现代俱乐部唱片所需的重量,同时仍然确保“音符”适合小型扬声器?

如果它被包装成一种格式,几乎可以立即加载到您的 DAW(在现代 SSD 上不到 1 秒),并且具有不错的宏控制并且不需要每次更新您的操作系统或音乐,这不是完美的吗?应用程序做了吗?….并添加了 135 个低音线 MIDI 文件?

欢迎使用 F9 Origins Classic Basses – 每卷包含 100 个用于 Logic Pro X 和 Ableton 9.5、10 和 11 的省时、即兴演奏、摇臀(锥震)低音乐器音色

采样一直很情绪化……但是感谢 Rupert Neve 先生 (RIP)、API、GML(8900 – 我曾经拥有的最紧凑的压缩器)SSL(Fusion – 多么棒的盒子)以及加州 Overstayer 的扭曲天才(他令人难以置信的模块化频道在最后出现),我们很自豪地向世界展示我们的劳动成果。


Roland TB 303、Moog Minimoog Model D(重新发行以实现完美调音) Sequential Circuits Pro-1、Roland SH 101、Roland Jupiter 8、Roland Juno 106、Roland Juno 60、Roland Jupiter 4、EMU Emulator II、Yamaha TX 81Z、 Yamaha TX 802、Yamaha DX 100、Nord Lead 2、Oberheim OBX-A、Yamaha SY 35、Korg MS20、Korg M1、Korg Triton、Oberheim DPX、Prophet VS、Akai S3000、Akai S612、Sequential Prophet 5(修订版)。

每一个作品都像指纹一样独一无二,在低音端需要爱和关注。 – 这些补丁将为您提供一个梦幻般的起点,当您达到 60Hz 以填充底部或推动 300Hz 以带出更多“音符”时,所有这些都可以在不淹没您的曲目的情况下进行播放或浑浊
我们在堆叠其中一些补丁时非常有趣 – 需要一些仔细的低通和高通过滤,但是补丁中的声音变化太多了,您确实可以获得一些出色的组合。
基本上(所有双关语都打算) – 我希望你玩得开心,把这个图书馆搞砸了。我已经。我迫不及待想听听你们如何处理这些……


– James Wiltshire – F9 音频/共济会

Kontakt 版本需要完整安装 Kontakt 5.8.1 以后 – 它不适用于 Kontakt 免费版或 Kontakt 播放器


How many times have you pulled up a bass sound, only to end up with 16 plugins hanging off it to make it fit?

What if someone had done all that hard work already? – gotten the subs under control, used harmonic processing and hi-end hardware to bring out the weight needed for a modern club record whilst still making sure the ‘note’ is singing out for small speakers?

Wouldn’t it be perfect if that was wrapped up in a format that loaded nearly instantly in your DAW ( in under 1 second on a modern SSD ) with decent macro-control and that didn’t need updating every single time your OS or Music apps did ?…. And added 135 bassline midi files ?

Welcome to F9 Origins Classic Basses – each volume contains 100 patches of time-saving, riff making, rump-shaking ( cone quaking ) bass instruments for Logic Pro X and Ableton 9.5, 10 and 11

Sampling has been emotional …. But thanks to some amazing hardware from Mr. Rupert Neve (RIP), API, GML ( 8900- the tightest compressor I’ve ever owned ) SSL ( Fusion – what a brilliant box ), and the twisted genius of Overstayer, CA (who’s unbelievable modular channel came in toward the end ), we are proud to present the fruits of our labor to the world.

Hardware sound sources from this dual volume release:

Roland TB 303, Moog Minimoog Model D ( re-issue for perfect tuning ) Sequential Circuits Pro-1, Roland SH 101, Roland Jupiter 8, Roland Juno 106, Roland Juno 60, Roland Jupiter 4, EMU Emulator II, Yamaha TX 81Z, Yamaha TX 802, Yamaha DX 100, Nord Lead 2, Oberheim OBX-A, Yamaha SY 35, Korg MS20, Korg M1, Korg Triton, Oberheim DPX, Prophet VS, Akai S3000, Akai S612, Sequential Prophet 5 ( Rev 4).

Every production is as unique as a fingerprint and needs love and attention on the bass end. – These patches will give you a fantastic starting block so that when you reach for a bit of 60Hz to fill the bottom out or push 300Hz to bring out a bit more ‘note’, it’s all there to play with without swamping your track in sub or muddiness
We’ve had great fun stacking some of these patches – some careful low and high pass filtering will be required but there’s so much sonic variation in the patches you can really get some excellent combinations.
Basically (all puns intended ) – I hope you have fun and smash the hell out of this library. I have been. I can’t wait to hear what you guys do with these ..

All the best from me and stay safe in these ever stranger times

– James Wiltshire – F9 Audio / Freemasons

System requirements:
Kontakt edition requires a FULL install of Kontakt 5.8.1 onwards – It will not work with the free edition of Kontakt, or Kontakt player

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