Naroth Audio Alloy Vol I: Discs KONTAKT-DECiBEL| Samples » Kontakt | 1.84GB


使用 4 个关节采样 – 羊毛槌、橡胶槌、木棍和静音。每个关节提供 5 个动态范围,每个动态有 5 个循环,让您获得纯粹+逼真的表演。封闭式立体声麦克风,这些乐器让您完全灵活地选择如何处理它们的自然声音。

精选预设 + 更多
最重要的是,我们深入探索了这些声音可以提供的声音可能性,为最小的 fx 机架开发了许多精选的补丁,并通过各种外置齿轮链运行音频以创建独特而有趣的打击垫、脉冲、贝司、fx、+鼓组.

内置智能音序器,具有 16 种播放模式和简单的界面,可轻松进行有节奏的音序。

最小的 FX 引擎
考虑到光盘,我们的定制 FX 机架让您可以轻松地在这些光盘上制作有趣的作品,并提供 10 个手工制作的 FX 预设来助您一臂之力。

Creativity In Mind
Alloy: Vol 1 是为了捕捉唱片的原始声音而开发的,但我们进一步尝试了他们可以做的一切,从打击垫到脉冲、低音炮等等。

5 个动态层和 5 个循环每个动态
4 个木槌关节:羊毛、橡胶、棒、静音
5 个八度范围(从原始扩展)
最小 + 用户友好界面
10 个设计的 fx 预设
超过 1.8 GB 高清样本的精选打击垫、脉冲、贝斯、fx 和架子鼓
注意:需要 kontakt 6.5(或更高版本)的完整零售版本

Introducing a new series of musical tools. Alloy.
These chromatic discs were intensively sampled, giving you the ability of achieving a true performance and sound.
Beautiful. Warm. Pure.
Alloy Vol. I is a tribute to the elements that shape the world around us. These elegantly crafted and masterfully tuned discs were sampled intensively and purposefully.

Sampled with 4 articulations – wool mallet, rubber mallet, wooden stick, and muted. Each articulation offers 5 dynamic ranges with 5 round robins per dynamic allowing you a pure + realistic performance. Close mic’d in stereo, these instruments give you full flexibility with how you choose to process their natural sound.

Curated Presets + More
On top of that we explored in depth the sonic possibilities these sounds could offer with numerous curated patches developed for the minimal fx rack as well as ran audio through various outboard gear chains to create unique and interesting pads, pulses, basses, fx, + drumkits.

Smart Sequencer
Built-in smart sequencer with 16 play modes and a simple interface allowing for easy rhythmic sequencing.

Minimal FX Engine
Built with the discs in mind, our custom FX rack allows you to craft interesting takes on these discs with ease and 10 hand-crafted FX presets to get you going.

Creativity In Mind
Alloy: Vol 1 was developed to capture the raw sound of the discs, but we took it further to experiment with everything they can do, from pads to pulses, subs and more.

multi-sampled chromatic discs
5 dynamic layers and 5 round robins per dynamic
4 mallet articulations: wool, rubber, stick, muted
5 octave range (extended from original)
minimal + user friendly interface
built-in sequencer
10 designed fx presets
40 curated pads, pulses, basses, fx, + drumkits
over 1.8 GB hi-def samples
NOTE: full retail version of kontakt 6.5 (or later) required



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