Dark Intervals Deep Blue KONTAKT | 3.99 Gb

DEEP BLUE 是基于郁郁葱葱的环境音垫的乐器。所有样本都是用硬件合成器制作的。 Patch 在合成器上编程、采样并映射到 Kontakt。

该乐器有一个特定的工作流程,即构建乐曲的和声结构,您可以在其中分别控制低音(A 层)和打击垫(B 层)。基本上,它被映射为具有 2 个不同层的拆分键盘:A-Bass 和 B-Synth(打击垫、序列或集群)。调整选项有限,但功能强大。例如,您可以分别实时地 lo/hi 传递低音层和垫层,这非常有用,并且在界面上清晰可见。

DEEP BLUE 是为那些寻求环境声音,带有一丝紧张感,但不喜欢大量预设,并希望立即进入作曲和创作过程的作曲家而创建的。所以我们创建了少量的预设,但所有的预设都是鼓舞人心的,听起来不错,并且从硬件合成器中采样。



DEEP BLUE is instrument based on lush and ambient sounding pads. All samples are made with hardware synths. Patches are programmed on synth, sampled, and mapped into Kontakt.

This instrument has one specific workflow on mind, which is building the harmonic structure of you musical piece in which you can separately control bass (layer A), and pad (layer B). Basically it is mapped as a split keyboard with 2 different layers :A-Bass and B-Synth (pad, sequence or cluster). Tweaking options are limited but highly functional. For example you can separately, in real time lo/hi pass bass layer and pad layer, which can be very useful, and clearly visible on the interface.

DEEP BLUE is created having on mind composers who seek ambient sound, with a touch of tension, but do not prefer huge amount of presets, and want to get into composing and creating process imediatelly. So we created smaller amount of presets, but all of the presets are inspiring, good sounding, and sampled from hardware synths.

45 pad presets
20 cluster presets
41 prerecorded sequence
20 bass presets


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