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A VISUAL SYNTHESIZER Abyss 是一个视觉合成器,具有个性和一点仙尘。它为您带来黑暗、振动的无人机、生动的电影垫和丰富的不断变化的纹理。使用 Abyss,您可以为您的音乐和声音设计项目找到即时灵感。 Abyss 的声音引擎结合了自然声音的丰富而深沉的质感和经典合成器的有效灵活性。当然有一个虚拟的模拟过滤器,但也有控制以闻所未闻的方式塑造音色。探索新的声音可能性。


无论我们描述声音还是颜色——我们都使用类似的词,如温暖、寒冷、黑暗、柔和或充满活力。并非巧合,它被称为色调。在Abyss 中,不同的声音由不同的颜色代表——一种全新的声音设计方式。


Abyss 的声音引擎结合了自然声音的丰富而深沉的质感和经典合成器的有效灵活性。当然有一个虚拟的模拟过滤器,但也有控制以闻所未闻的方式塑造音色。探索新的声音可能性。\


浏览无穷无尽的名字怪异的声音列表并不总是很有趣。在 Abyss 中,您可以轻松浏览具有 2000 多种色调的面板。比以往更快地找到您的声音。


它的变化使听起来很有趣。通过在渐变上放置音色,您可以创建音色变化的调色板,成为音色的基础。无论您主要使用预设还是经验丰富的声音设计师,使用 Abyss,您只需按照直觉创建自己的标志性声音。


A VISUAL SYNTHESIZER Abyss is a visual synthesiser with character and a bit of fairy dust. It brings to you dark, vibrating drones, vivid cinematic pads and rich evolving textures. With Abyss you find instant inspiration for your music and sound design projects. The sound engine of Abyss combines the rich and deep textures of natural sounds with the effective flexibility of classical synths. Of course there is a virtual analogue filter, but there are also controls to shape tone colours in unheard ways. Explore fresh sonic possibilities.

Tone Colours

Whether we describe sounds or colours – we use similar words like warm, cold, dark, soft or energetic. Not by coincidence it is called tone-colour. In Abyss different sounds are represented by different colours – a whole new way to design sounds.

Rich & Deep Sound

The sound engine of Abyss combines the rich and deep textures of natural sounds with the effective flexibility of classical synths. Of course there is a virtual analogue filter, but there are also controls to shape tone colours in unheard ways. Explore fresh sonic possibilities.\

Surf Your Sound

Navigating through endless lists of weirdly named sounds is not always fun. In Abyss you can simply surf through a panel with more than 2000 tone-colours. Find your sound faster than ever.

Tone Colour Gradient

Its variation that makes sounds interesting. By placing tone-colours on the gradient you create a palette of timbral variation that becomes the base of your patch. Whether you mainly used presets or you are a seasoned sound designer, with Abyss you simply follow your intuition to create your own signature sound.


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