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Altron 是 Beyron Audio 从制作人和艺术家的角度制作的基于样本的专业合成器。
Altrons 的声音引擎提供了前所未有的真实感和高度细致的声音,并融合了大量的音乐风格和流派。

Altron 有一个特殊的引擎来提供超高的音质,并自动执行每个预设,以在任何环境中发出最佳声音。
这一切都是因为 Q&T 引擎在每个声音中都进行了详细处理。




Altron FX 是具有酷炫效果和控件的新一代声音设计师。 22 种带有预延迟、大小、干湿两用的特殊效果。

NKS 就绪
支持 NI 的 Native Kontrol 标准。 NKS 允许 Altron 与 Komplete Kontrol 键盘和 Maschine 配合使用,使您能够使用自定义映射控制旋钮快速深入到声音设计中。

更多的声音意味着更多的可能性。使用 Altron 的工厂预设创建您能想象到的任何东西。从尖端的古典乐器到最野蛮和当今的声音。


When imagination & creativity comes to life, they come with Altron.
Altron is a professional sample based synthesizer made by Beyron Audio from a producers & artist’s point of view.
Altrons’s sound engine delivers unprecedented realism and highly detailed sounds with massive infusion of musical styles & genres.

The beast behind the sound quality.
The sound quality simply can’t be compared to any todays modern virtual synthesizers.
Altron has a special engine for delivering hyper sound quality and automates every preset to sound its best in any environment.
This is all possible because of the Q&T engine which is detailly processed in every sound.

From classical to today’s most demanding sounds.
Each instrument is detailed and manipulated for best results.

World’s first Smart sequencer.
Creativity blocker breaker.
With six sequencers running at the same time, you can create a whole band at your fingertips. The Smart sequencer presets offer rhythmic melodies which can be manipulated by choice.

Switch keys and Smart sequencer will generate chords that compliment each other.

Altron FX is a new generation sound designer with cool effects and controls. 22 special effects with predelay, size, dry & wet.
You can easily turn a saw wave into a japanese violin or a live instrument into a future modern sound.
What if you use it on drums or effects?

Supporting NI’s Native Kontrol Standard. NKS allows Altron to work with Komplete Kontrol keyboards and Maschine, giving you the ability to quickly dive into sound design with the custom mapped control knobs.

The sound of Altron
More sounds mean more possibilities. Create just about anything you can imagine with Altron’s factory presets. From cutting edge classical instruments to the most savage and todays sounds.


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