MAC: MORiA | 30 May 20219 | 129 MB

Thorn 是一款软件合成器,旨在易于使用并提供出色的声音。在 Thorn 中,简单意味着直截了当,同时提供先进的声音控制。直观的工作流程、高质量的处理模块、CPU 上的光,Thorn 已准备好成为您混音的核心,适用于任何类型的现代电子音乐制作。

Thorn 提供了 3 个使用频谱合成方法的振荡器。这使您可以控制声音生成过程中涉及的所有谐波。振荡器提供一组频谱和实时效果,以进一步塑造谐波。当然也实现了 FM、RM、PWM、硬同步。
两个多模式、模拟建模滤波器,具有灵敏的饱和阶段,可为您的声音充电并使其在混音中闪耀。在Thorn,为您提供9种高品质效果,3个ADSR信封,3个LFO,2个多级信封。带有 MIDI 输出的 16 步灵活琶音器也可以生成节奏音序。
此外,Thorn 提供了一个基于网格的 Glitch 音序器,以获得最大的乐趣。使用音序器切碎您的声音,以获得现代的毛刺、口吃效果。

Mac:OS 10.9 – macOS 11

Thorn is a software synthesizer that was designed to be easy to use and deliver awesome sound. In Thorn, being simple means to be straightforward and provide advanced sonic control at the same time. Intuitive workflow, high quality processing modules, light on the CPU, Thorn is ready to be put at the heart of your mix, in any genre of modern electronic music production.

Thorn offers 3 oscillators that utilize spectral synthesis method. This gives you control over all harmonics involved into the generation process of your sound. The oscillator provides sets of spectral and real-time effects to shape harmonics further. Of course FM, RM, PWM, Hard Sync implemented too.

Sound sources organized as spectrum tables of 16 frames with ability to edit and morph harmonics. The spectral synthesis gives ability to “post-process” all the generated harmonics with a special filter to colorize the output.

Two multi-mode, analog modeled filters with sensitive saturation stages available to charge your sounds and make it shine through the mix. There are 9 high quality effects, 3x ADSR envelopes, 3x LFOs, 2x multistage envelopes at your service in Thorn. 16-step flexible arpeggiator with MIDI output to generate rhythmic sequences available as well.

Additionally, Thorn provides a grid-based Glitch sequencer for maximum fun. Chop your sounds with the sequencer to get modern glitchy, stuttering effects.


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