The Omega Collection is a supreme bundle of every library we currently offer for Kontakt, plus a 50% Omega member’s discount on all of our future releases for 3 full years after your original purchase date. This extraordinary package gives you access to over 115 professional instrument sample libraries, spanning nearly every instrument category and genre, at over 85% off normal pricing. Designed for owners of Kontakt, Komplete and Komplete Ultimate by Native Instruments, Omega puts an unparalleled arsenal of musical tools into your hands. Let Omega take you to the next level, whether you’re a seasoned composer or bedroom producer.


The Omega Plan also includes an exclusive member’s discount for 50% off any of our future releases right here at for the next 3 Years! That’s right, you can buy the Omega Collection now and still continue to get any of our future new releases at an awesome VIP discount. Pick and choose which new releases you want, when you need them.


And If you’re already a Soundiron customer, we’ve also got great personalized discounts that you can use on your Omega Plan upgrade. Only purchases made directly at qualify. Contact Us now for your personalized Omega price.


UFO 61 was recorded in a dry studio using a pair of Neumann TLM 103 large diaphragm microphones. We recorded its stock presets with sustains and staccato samples for each key. The included octave, vibrato and FX rack give you an easy-to-use interface to completely customize and shape its fat analog sound to fit a variety of creative styles.

The library comes equipped with flexible control features, like Swell, pitch Glide, Attack, Release, Vibrato, and Octave. There’s also a complete DSP effects rack, including convolution reverb with dozens of unique spaces, such as cathedrals, churches, halls, bunkers, garages, tunnels, chambers, rooms and plenty of otherworldly FX impulses to fully explore and endless variety of strange and unexpected sonic manipulations.




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