Luftrum Bioscape v1.2 KONTAKT-DECiBEL|Samples » Kontakt| 4.37GB





Bioscape是免费的Kontakt播放器的制造商并已获得其许可,因此您不需要完整版的Kontakt即可播放Bioscape。它与NKS完全兼容,并支持拖放,因此您可以使用自己的声音和样本。它直接安装在Native Access中,只需输入序列号并单击安装。


– 4.5GB电影Kontakt乐器
–官方Native Instruments第三方库
–直接安装在Native Access中,只需输入序列号并单击安装
– 345种高质量的现场录音,并由专业的现场录音师发现声音
– NKS为Komplete Kontrol和Machine准备就绪
–为免费的Kontakt Player制作
–加载完整版本的Kontakt v6.2或更高版本
– 20页的PDF用户手册

v1.2 – 2021-03-31

v1.1 – 2020-12-18
改进现在,所有样本都已正确标记为一发,并在Machine和Komplete Kontrol浏览器中显示了图稿


Bioscape, Found Sound Cinematics
Field recordings merge together in a sonic kaleidoscope of found sound cinematics – from underscoring pads to drones, pulses and textures.
Bioscape is a 4.5GB Kontakt instrument that is based on field recordings and found sounds to create musical content, this gives you an unpolished, raw and organic dimension to your production.

Bioscape is particularly suitable for game and filmscore composers, but works extremely well with ambient music, music concrete, sound healing, music therapy or as a standalone experimental instrument.

Bioscape contains hundreds of field recordings and found sounds from hydrophonic desert wind to abandoned factory drones, from ghostly ringing rocks to cracking icy rivers, all sorted in different sound categories. Using the sound material, a team of world renowned sound designers have crafted over 440 presets sorted in categories from pulses to pads, textures, ASMR, drones, playables, effects and reverse.

Within the DNA of Bioscape is a multifaceted instrument that on one side can sound as atonal and dark as you want and on the other side produce the most ethereal and light timbres.

Bioscape is made for and licensed to the free Kontakt Player so you do not need the full version of Kontakt to play Bioscape. It is fully NKS compatible and supports drag & drop, so you can use your own sounds and samples. It is installed directly in Native Access, just enter the serial number and click install.

Bioscape is also one of the most extensive sample manipulating engines ever created for the Kontakt platform. That’s just an extra bonus and we won’t really advertise it as being so… we are way too modest to do that.

Bioscape Specs
– 4.5GB cinematic Kontakt instrument
– Official Native Instruments third party library
– Installed directly in Native Access, just enter serial and click install
– 345 high quality field recordings and found sounds by professional field recordists
– Drag & Drop your own samples and field recordings
– 440 presets by world class sound designers
– NKS ready for Komplete Kontrol and Machine
– No need for the full version of Kontakt
– Made for the free Kontakt Player
– Loads in the full version of Kontakt v6.2 or later
– 20-page PDF User Manual

v1.2 – 2021-03-31
ADDED New bigger GUI option via the Preferences “?” button
ADDED New green tinted GUI option by clicking the Bioscape logo
IMPROVED Sequencers and EQ now display value in center, instead of inline
IMPROVED Cosmetic changes for the sequencers and EQ tables
FIXED Holding notes while turning on RETRIG could sustain sounds

v1.1 – 2020-12-18
ADDED 122 new Reverse themed snapshots in folder 08. Reverse
IMPROVED All samples are now correctly tagged with One-Shots and displaying artwork in Machine and Komplete Kontrol browsers
IMPROVED User PDF manual has a detailed overview of all the Mutation genetic types, with the settings and value they each change
FIXED Default reverb size value for init preset


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