Arturia Pigments v3.0.0 CE -V.R | 843 MB

Arturia Pigments v3.0.0.1375 (MacOS) [MORiA]| AU | VST | VST3 | Standalone | AAX | 716 MB

Arturia Pigments v3.0.0 CE Rev2 WIN


Pigments 3提高了VST乐器的标准,超越了高级硬件合成器和插件的功能,使您最疯狂的声音幻想变成了全彩现实。轻松构建,制作动画,自定义和优化复杂补丁,这与您从未听说过的任何东西一样。






Celebrating Pigments 3
To introduce the latest colorful edition of Pigments, we’re presenting a selection of generous introductory offers
What’s new in Pigments 3
Pigments has evolved to be bigger, bolder, and more versatile than ever, blurring the lines between timbres and pushing sound design into vivid new territory.

An infinite spectrum of sound
Pigments 3 raises the bar for VST instruments, surpassing the capabilities of premium hardware synths and plugins alike, making your wildest sonic fantasy a full-color reality. Effortlessly build, animate, customize, and refine complex patches unlike anything you’ve ever heard.

Create any sound
Whatever sound you need, Pigments can take you there.
From bright nylon-like plucks to the fattest wavetable sounds, dark hip hop & trap bass to creeping film soundtrack ambience, Pigments is your blank sonic canvas. Combine any pair from a selection of 4 state-of-the-art sound engines, and layer them with deep sub bass and a sprinkling of sampled noise for instant access to every texture, timbre, and color.

Endless customization
Any parameter tweak or expression is just a colorful click away. Shape, animate, and elevate your sound until it’s entirely your own with instant patch modulation, the best classic & modern filters, and stunning studio-grade FX.

Musical sequencing
Pigments doesn’t just make amazing sounds and inspiring synth presets
– it makes music.

The advanced sequencing section lets you weave beautiful melodies, catchy motifs, and entire arrangements without ever leaving Pigments. Need a dose of inspiration? Experiment with powerful arpeggiation, scale quantization, and smart randomization that’ll get you back on the creative path in no time. On the Seq page, everything is laid out simply in front of you. Watch your sequence as it plays, and make adjustments to notes, octaves, velocity, and more with a simple click and drag.


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