UJAM Beatmaker HYPE 2.1.2 M187 (BM-HYPE) Proper [KiTTY]| macOS | AUi / VSTi | 91,7 MB

装有Progressive House和EDM样本,预设和完整凹槽的乐器,因此您可以在数分钟内放下架子鼓音轨。借助HYPE,您只需触摸一个按键,就可以创造出使传统样品包不堪一击的驾驶节奏。它可以立即与DAW的节奏同步,并且您可以像演奏乐器一样演奏几乎无限种的循环。


—一般如何使用k’ed macOS软件。





An instrument loaded with Progressive House and EDM samples, presets and full grooves, so you can lay down your drum tracks in minutes. With HYPE, you can create driving beats that put conventional sample packs to shame, all by touching a single key. It instantly syncs to your DAW’s tempo, and you can play a near-infinite variety of loops just like you would an instrument.
My release has working MIDI drag & drop and doesn’t require an active internet connection, allowing you to stay offline on your production machine.
Read the provided iNFO.

As a macOS user you are supposed to know:

— How to install Xcode command line tools.
— How to disable SIP and bypass Gatekeeper if needed.
— How to mount your system volume in write mode when necessary.
— How to use k’ed macOS software in general.

The requirements might be specific for your version of macOS as Apple keeps introducing new measures to prevent anything not from official AppStore from running on their systems. But the first point (Xcode command line tools) is generally required for everyone.

Failure to understand any of the above might result in patch not working properly.

If you install on any volume other than system, then the patch won’t be able to locate the files to patch!


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