Zero-G Spirit Of Raga MULTiFORMAT | 1.26 Gb
Zero-G Spirit Of Raga样本包涵盖了各种印度风格的声音样本的大量集合,这些样本主要集中于Hindustani古典音乐(印度北部)和Carnatic古典音乐(印度南部)。它还包括民间,传统,灵修和半古典风格。

Carnatic Edition由南印度古典风格的声音样本组成,包括古典和灵修歌曲,流行的ragas中的Swaramaalika和Thillanas。此外,它还包含声带和Solkattu(通常由南印度打击乐手或古典舞者练习或表演)。

Hindustani版包含北印度古典风格的声音样本,包括流行的Bhajans,传统歌曲,古典歌曲和Swaramaalika。此外,它还包括Bols(助记音节,通常由北印度打击乐手或古典舞者练习或表演)。拉加精神(Spirit of Raga)以印度不同的区域语言和风格提供印度声乐和传统的真正风味和多样性。该库包含酸化Wav和AIFF Apple Loop中的500个样本,所有样本均以24位音频记录。还包括Kontakt,EXS24和NN-XT仪器。该库中的所有样本均为100%原始且免版税。

•500 AIFF苹果循环
The Zero-G Spirit Of Raga sample pack covers a huge collection of vocal samples in various Indian styles focusing mainly on Hindustani classical (Northern India) and Carnatic classical (Southern India). It also includes Folk, Traditional, Devotional and Semi-Classical styles.

The Carnatic Edition consists of vocal samples in the South Indian classical style and includes Classical and Devotional songs, Swaramaalika and Thillanas in popular ragas. Additionally, it contains vocal hooks and Solkattu (normally practiced or performed by south Indian percussionists or classical dancers).

The Hindustani Edition consists of vocal samples in the North Indian classical style and includes popular Bhajans, Traditional songs, Classical songs and Swaramaalika. Additionally, it also includes Bols (mnemonic syllables, normally practiced or performed by north Indian percussionists or classical dancers). Spirit of Raga offers the true flavour and diversity of Indian vocal music and traditions in the different regional languages and styles of India. The library contains 500 samples in Acidized Wav and AIFF Apple Loop all recorded in 24bit audio. Kontakt, EXS24 and NN-XT instruments are also included. All the samples in this library are 100% original and royalty free.

• 500 Acidized WAV files
• 500 AIFF Apple Loops
• 50 Kontakt Instruments
• 50 EXS24 Instruments
• 50 NN-XT Instruments


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