P2P | 25.12 GB


Spitfire Audio eDNA 01 Earth是一个集合1900+基本乐器被我们获奖团队的作曲家,声音铁匠,制作人和工程师捣碎成1001个定制补丁到一个集合的“盒式演奏”。加载eDNA,与一个获奖的界面,slam在墨盒和玩玩玩。这就是内容的深度,如果你要播放每个声音30秒,你就需要花24小时去听每个乐器和补丁。这还不算抽大麻和去厕所的时间。我们不是在这里追逐救护车,这不是关于现在的音乐,昨天的音乐,这是一个新的篇章,一个新的声音武器库。



步骤1 -矿石


步骤2 -经纱阶段

在过去的5年里,我们一直在尝试管弦乐翘曲,许多早期的尝试都被大量用户所欣赏,他们使用我们Albion范围内美丽的,有时甚至是肮脏的“Stephenson’s Steam Band”部分。在最初的几年里,我们开始寻找最稀有的模拟外置设备,合成器,滤波器,门,动词,还委托并创建了一套罕见的定制数字信号路径。在过去的几年里,我们经常把我们的秘密驱动器从它的秘密橱柜里拿出来,把声音拉上来,通过这些多级信号路径传递它们。我们经常把它炖一夜,做出最美味的声音,有时只是“错误的”声音。

步骤3 -声音设置到健全的银行


步骤4 – e.D.N.A.引擎

在过去的7年里,喷火式战斗机——与Blake Robinson合作——一直在创造直观而巧妙的脚本,简单易用的gui和吸引人的前端。一年前,我们清除了脚本,开始创建一个怪物般的新脚本引擎。我们称之为eDNA。随着更多的细节,我们将展示如何“地球”的声音集和银行可以与eDNA引擎一起使用,以快速,戏剧性和令人惊叹的自定义声音超出识别。

步骤5 -残暴的音乐大师

一旦声音库被植入到eDNA中,我们就在英国伦敦市中心最先进的综合设施周围分布“Earth – Beta”。喷火乐队是一个由获奖的作曲家、制作人、音乐制作人和工程师组成的团队。使用这一血统,我们创造了令人惊叹的数字原始,萦绕,美丽,史诗,愤怒,肥胖和完全不愉快的声音。我们忽略了时代精神,我们忽略了以前的东西,只是开始创造一些新的东西。随着eDNA令人愉快的GUI,这个未知领域的新声音实验是一个旋钮或滑块,使它成为你自己的。或者简单地从“香草”声音库开始,卷起你的袖子,让埃德娜发痒。


COLOSSAL HYBRID SYNTH. A once in a lifetime collection of electronic sounds derived, warped and re-birthed from Spitfire’s enormous and highly valued collection of orchestral sample recordings… the first phase in our e.D.N.A. (ELECTRONIC DNA) project, creating the next generation of sound-ware for the next generation of electronic sound-smiths.

Phase #1 ‘EARTH’ is a collection of 1900+ basic instruments mangled into 1001 custom patches by our award winning team of composers, sound-smiths, producers and engineers into a collection of play-out-of-the-box “cartridges”. Load up eDNA, with an award winning interface, slam in a cartridge and play play play. Such is the depth of content here that if you were to play each sound for 30 seconds, it would take you exactly 24 hours to listen to every instrument and patch… And that’s without fag and loo breaks. We’re not ambulance chasing here, this is not about the music of now, of yesterday, this is a new chapter, a new sonic arsenal.


Included with the EARTH pack are 1900+ and 1001 custom patches that spring out of the box and bite.


We have been recording the finest orchestral players for seven years now. We have been practising our craft in the creation of the finest strings, brass, woodwinds and percussion libraries. But throughout this period, we have also been harbouring a darker ambition. As many of us here at Spitfire come from the first wave of UK EDM in the 90’s we have hungered to get our hands on these awesome sounds for our own ill gotten gains. For the last seven years there has been a secret hard drive, a depository of the best of these orchestral recordings saved to create the ultimate raw material, the ultimate ore, a set of polished diamonds waiting to be roughed up all over again.


For the last 5 years we have been experimenting with orchestral warping and many of these early attempts have been enjoyed by a large group of users using the beautiful and sometimes downright dirty “Stephenson’s Steam Band” sections of our Albion range. In these early years we set about finding the most rarefied analogue outboard equipment, synths, filters, gates, verbs, and also commissioned and created a rare set of bespoke digital signal paths. At regular points over the last few years we have taken our secret drive out of it’s secret cupboard, pulled the sounds up and fed them through these multi stage signal paths. We often left it simmering overnight, creating the most delicious and sometimes just ‘wrong’ set of sounds.


During the warp stage we created well over a terabyte of data. Needing to cut this down to a reasonable size, the Spitfire team of multi award winning composers, producers, techs and engineers set about pairing this down to the very best of the best. From this we created a set of multi-sampled Sound-Sets. The very building blocks of ‘Earth’ itself. These were then organised by sound-type into manageable Sound-Banks.


Over the last seven years Spitfire – in partnership with Blake Robinson – have been creating intuitive and ingenious scripts, simple to use GUIs and attractive front ends. A year ago, we wiped the script clean and set about creating a monster of a new script engine. This we call eDNA. With more details to follow, we will show how the sound sets and banks of ‘Earth’ can be used in conjunction with the eDNA engine to quickly, dramatically and awesomely customise sounds beyond recognition.


Once the sound banks were implanted into eDNA, we distributed ‘Earth – Beta’ around our state-of-the-art complex in Central London, UK. Spitfire is a team of award winning composers, producers, track makers, and engineers. Using this pedigree, we have created a jaw dropping number of the original, haunting, beautiful, epic, angry, fat and down-right unpleasant sounds. We ignored the zeitgeist, we ignored what’s been before and just set about creating something new. With eDNA’s delightful GUI, this uncharted territory of new sonic experimentation is one knob or slider away from making it your own. Or simply start from the “vanilla” sound-banks, roll your sleeves up and give eDNA a tickle.


1900+ Factory instruments and 1001 custom patches designed by our award winning team. Organised into virtual cartridges, slam one in and play play play!

Imagine the eDNA engine as a set of two turntables and a massively complex DJ mixer. It contains two sound bays with individual and independent modulators, control of trim, bend, glide, cloning, tuning, ADSR and lpfs and hpfs and wobbles that modulate pitch, volume and filters.

There is an onboard gate sequencer that allows independent gating between these two bays and unified control of amount, and shape, speed and length of sequence.

These two signals are then at last unified with a DJ style x-fader. Move between the sounds with the mouse or the factory-default assigned modulation wheel. But it doesn’t stop there. We’ve designed a custom script that oscillates the x-fader automatically with control over speed and phase.

Last but not least is eDNA’s five stage FX path with 34 custom plugins (including a bunch of bespoke IRs) pre-loaded. There are two “layer fx” stages that effect sound A or B. A “motorised” FX stage that can either effect A, B or both. A master FX stage that effects the entire output. Finally an auxilliary FX stage that can be sent via the layers or master FX stage. Any parameter of these can be assigned for automation or assignment to your controller. See this diagram to understand eDNA’s signal patch more fully:


“Earth” is an anthology of 1900+ vanilla instruments and 1001 custom patches in our ‘artist’ collections. If you were to spend no more than 30 second listening to every sound on Earth (excuse pun) it would take you 24 hours of solid listening, without fag or loo breaks. To make sense of this awesome arsenal of sonic weaponry we’ve organise everything into cartridges. With the artists we have briefed them on a sonic “style” with our factory cartridges we have largely organised by type of sound and have released our first “best of” compiled by Christian Henson the chief curator on the Earth project.


ADDED: Faster options for the oscillator
ADDED: Ability to scale oscillator directions using the smaller sliders to its left/right
ADDED: Users can now pick the oscillator envelope shape
ADDED: New Wheelspin cartridge available
UPDATE: Star rating system added to allow users to rate sounds 1-5
FIXED: IR browser now selected IRs correctl


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