Team DECiBEL | 31 Mar 2021 | 5.82GB

ARTIFACT REANIMATE是我们广受欢迎的发行版“ Artifact Fractal”的完全重新设计和扩展的版本,并将原始概念演变为完整,全面的声音设计工具包。

Artifact REANIMATE不仅是重新发布,还因为它将原始的“ Artifact Fractal”内容与新创建的“ Artifact Tonal”内容结合在一个屋顶下,并在我们最新的声音设计引擎版本中提供了额外的操作选项。现在,已使用适合各种音乐环境和各种风格的大量音调工具,完成了原始的大量,坚韧不拔的打击乐音色的原始收集。

制作两年来,ARTIFACT REANIMATE旨在为您提供大量独特元素的集合,这些元素有助于将音乐作品粘合在一起并使其脱颖而出。虽然该库的主要重点是现代预告片音乐,但它也可以与任何其他流派的音乐一起使用,并添加令人振奋的新鲜声音。

-高清晰音频质量(包括48/24 Wav文件)
-已安装5.82 GB

Kontakt 5.8.1+完整版


ARTIFACT REANIMATE is a fully redesigned and expanded version of our popular release “Artifact Fractal” and evolves the original concept into a complete, comprehensive sound design toolkit.

ARTIFACT REANIMATE is a lot more than just a re-release, as it combines the original “Artifact Fractal” content with the newly created “Artifact Tonal” content under one roof and inside our latest sound design engine version that offers extra manipulation options. The original collection of massive, gritty and hard-hitting percussion sounds has now been completed with a large array of tonal tools that fit many musical environments and a variety of styles.

Two years in the making, ARTIFACT REANIMATE was designed to provide you with a large collection of those unique elements that help glue a musical composition together and make it stand out. While the main focus of the library is on modern trailer music, it can be used with any other genre of music as well and add a revitalizing and fresh sound.

– High definition audio quality (includes 48/24 Wav files)
– 5.82 GB installed
– Custom Kontakt Engine & GUI with dual FX page layout

Kontakt 5.8.1+ Full Version

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