大小:  4.45GB

欢迎来到病态的第三卷:“黑暗的地方”。这个深沉的声音和音乐设计集合具有175个专业的黑暗/悬疑/恐怖环境,音景,地狱景象和噩梦世界,并具有超过4 GB的高级样本内容。我们手工制作了令人毛骨悚然的恶魔生物,发烧的slave妄状态,可怕的奴隶制成群结队和不和谐的发烧梦。我们走到了飓风的边缘,漫步在无尽的腐烂大厅中,蠕虫感染了工业,军事和机构废墟,以捕捉真实生活和呼吸的真实的,生产级的现场氛围。


Sick 3还包含335个实时立体声卷积混响脉冲响应文件的大量集合,我们已经在各种各样的远程恐怖友好环境中捕获了这些文件,包括沙坑,监狱,海滨,墓地,森林,房间,仓库,下水道等。我们将冲动库的重点放在了环境上,这些环境趋向于更黑暗,更令人不快的环境,从被遗弃的监狱大厅的巨大绝望到可怕的幽闭恐怖的土墓。在各种捕获距离,角度和遮挡度下进行录制时,无论您是在使用Sick 3的任何环境还是使用脉冲来将其他乐器,声音设计和foley混合在一起时,它们都能提供逼真的色彩和空间感。扩大音乐,电影,电视,视频游戏或多媒体制作中的其他原始资料。这种声音精确的脉冲响应阵列以标准立体声pcm波的形式提供,与支持wav脉冲导入的任何卷积效果,主机,虚拟乐器或实用程序兼容。


该库针对Native Instruments Kontakt 4.2.4及更高版本进行了编程,具有功能齐全的自定义用户界面,可对音符打击,样本起始位置偏移,强度溶胀,释放淡入时间,调音和双声波层提供实时自动化控制混合。还有一个集成的均衡器,卷积混响选择器和控制模块,以及一个可选的模拟三部分和弦复音连奏工具,使您可以将一个音高平稳地连接到下一个音高。所有样本都以分类并明确命名的立体声波形文件的形式提供,可以导入任何与wav格式兼容的音频环境,采样器,编辑器,音序器或您喜欢的其他音频软件中并使用。






查看我们完整的Sick Bundle,第1、2、3和4卷一起以非常低的折扣出售。











该库是为Kontakt 4.2.4或更高版本的完整零售版设计的。 Kontakt是行业标准的高级虚拟仪器/软件采样器平台。通过单击此处了解有关Kontakt的更多信息




这是标准的Kontakt开放格式库,因此免费的Kontakt Player不支持此开放格式Kontakt库。但是,可以完全访问示例目录,以允许用户自定义,导入和映射到其他与WAV兼容的软件,采样器和合成器格式。




已安装-490 MB


-38 .nki乐器预设

-24位/ 48kHz未压缩PCM wav样本





要使用此库,需要使用Native Instruments Kontakt版本3.5的完整零售版(或更高版本)。 免费的Kontakt“播放器”和“添加库”导入过程不支持此标准的开放格式Kontakt库。 Windows XP或更高版本。 Mac OSX 10.6或更高版本。 建议为此库使用双核CPU,2 GB系统Ram,SATA或SSD硬盘驱动器。


Welcome to Sick Volume 3: “Dark Places”. This deep sound & music design collection features 175 professional dark/suspense/horror environments, soundscapes, hellscapes and nightmare worlds, with well over 4 GB of premium sample content. We’ve hand-crafted horrific demonic creatures, feverish states of sonic delirium, monstrously shambling slavering hordes and discordant fever dreams. We traveled to the edge of a hurricane and wandered the endless halls of decrepit, vermin infested industrial, military and institutional ruins to capture authentic, production grade field ambiences that truly live and breathe.


Sick 3 also includes a massive collection of 335 live stereo convolution reverb impulse response files that we’ve captured in a wide range of remote horror-friendly environments, including bunkers, prisons, waterfronts, graveyards, forests, chambers, warehouses, sewers and more. We’ve focused this library of impulses on environments that tend toward the darker and more foreboding, from the vast hopelessness of a derelict prison hall to a terrifyingly claustrophobic earthen grave. Recorded at a variety of capture distances, angles and degrees of occlusion, they provide realistic coloration and spatialization when placing additional instruments, sound design and foley into a mix, whether you’re working with any of the Sick 3 ambiences or using the impulses to augment other source material in music, film, television, video game or multimedia production. This array of acoustically accurate impulse responses are provided as standard stereo pcm waves that are compatible with any convolution effect, host, virtual instrument or utility that supports wav impulse import.


The library is programmed for Native Instruments Kontakt 4.2.4 and later, with a fully-equipped custom user interface that provides real-time automation control over note attack, sample start position offset, intensity swelling, release fade time, tuning and dual sonic layer blending. There is also an integrated EQ, convolution reverb selector and control module and an optional simulated 3-part harmonic polyphonic legato tool that allows you to smoothly tie one pitch to the next. All of the samples are also included as categorized and clearly named stereo wave files that can be imported and used in any wav-format compatible audio environment, sampler, editor, sequencer or other audio software you like.


And just for fun, we’ve even programmed the convolution impulses into special “percussion” banks that allow you to actually “play” each location as a drum. This is due to the sharp snapping quality that an impulse response has, with each acoustic environment imparting its own unique qualities into the frequency, phase, reflection and tail as the pulse decays. As a drum, these impulses can actually work remarkably well as unique snare drums, kicks, clicks, snaps and hi-hats if you listen and play with an open mind. In effect, you’ll have the ability to play the world around you as a drum almost literally.


If you’re already familiar with the first two volumes in our classic Sick series, this is where it gets real. This library’s sample content is designed to meet the needs and uncompromising standards of professional sound designers, rerecording mixers, film-makers, video game designers and post-production specialists. We’ve also painstakingly programmed and tailored it to fit seamlessly into the creative workflow of more adventurous composers and songwriters seeking fresh meat to carve and sculpt into their darker sonic urges.


Check out our full Sick Bundle, with volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4 all together at a great discount.



-Creature sounds


-Urban environments

-Wild environments


-335 Convolutions including churches, halls, sewers, outside spaces and much much more

-Convolutions are also programmed into an innovative “percussion” preset that lets you essentially play the very acoustical essence of each room and environment like a drum.


This library is designed for the full retail version of Kontakt 4.2.4 or later. Kontakt is an industry-standard advanced virtual instrument / software sampler platform. Learn more about Kontakt by Clicking Here


Check out screenshots of our custom graphical user interface for Kontakt in the image gallery above. They provide a wide range of sound shaping parameter controls, each one totally automation-ready in your host environment or Kontakt’s stand-alone mode.


This is a standard Kontakt open-format library, so the free Kontakt Player doesn’t support this open-format Kontakt library. However, the sample directories are fully accessible to allow user customization, import and mapping into other wav-compatible software, sampler and synth formats.


The special Libraries tab doesn’t support this open-format Kontakt library, but you can use the standard File browser tab, or import this library into the Kontakt database and Quickload tools for easy navigation, loading and organization.


Product Specs

-490 MB installed

-351 Samples

-38 .nki instrument presets

-24 bit / 48kHz uncompressed PCM wav samples

-Unlocked Kontakt presets and wav samples to allow user customization

-Includes a bonus collection of custom sound-designed ambiences, drones and special FX presets, as well as our favorite custom convolution reverb impulses in an advanced Kontakt user interface with full automation support.


System Requirements

The full retail version of Native Instruments Kontakt version 3.5 (or later) is required to use this library. The free Kontakt “Player” and “Add Library” import process do not support this standard open-format Kontakt library. Windows XP or higher. Mac OSX 10.6 or higher. Dual Core CPU, 2 GB System Ram, SATA or SSD hard drive recommended for this library.


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