Release: Soundiron.Sick.4.KONTAKT.SCD.DVDR-SONiTUS
Size: 1.38 GB
DATE: 04.2014

《病态的第4卷》是我们年度病态系列中的最新作品,探讨了残酷的肢体切割和缓刑酷刑的声音。它艰苦地探索35种独特的深采样(12x RR)打击乐发音,以及1,000多种恐怖的音效。 Sick 4拥有超过2 GB的优质声音设计内容,是音乐和声音制作的理想选择:设计时考虑了恐怖因素,但灵活多样,足以适应任何需要在人迹罕至的地方进行混音的情况。


如果您熟悉我们的Sick系列的其他内容,那么您就会知道这笔交易。该库的样本内容旨在满足专业声音设计师,重录调音台,电影制片人,视频游戏设计师和后期制作专家的需求和不妥协的标准。我们还对各个细节进行了专业编程和定制,以无缝地融入您的创意工作流程。 Sick 4非常适合喜欢冒险的作曲家和作曲家或任何寻求新鲜肉类来满足其较黑暗声音需求的人。

Sick Volume 4 is the latest entry in our annual Sick series, delving into the sound of macabre body mutilation and tardigrade torture. It painstakingly explores 35 unique deep sampled (12x RR) percussion articulations as well as over 1,000 horror sound effects. Weighing in at over 2 GB of premium sound design content, Sick 4 is ideal for both music and sound production: designed with horror in mind yet flexible and diverse enough to fit into any mix that calls for something a little off the beaten path.

To build this library, we gathered an army of pumpkins in all shapes and sizes and set about destroying them in a most brutal manner, with the help of hammers, crowbars, saws, drills, wrenches and our own meaty fists and heavy boots. We also pried a range of proto-musical elements from steel pails, swinging chains, dragging cinderblocks. Our goal was to craft a well-rounded and highly detailed horror foley collection suitable for the most discerning sound designer or scoring composer. But going beyond simple sound effects creation, we also brought out our drum sticks, fingers and mallets to create the most nuanced and playable pumpkin percussion library ever conceived. Finally, we included over 50 custom horror ambiences and soundscapes created from the source material and cutting edge control features, rack FX and otherworldy convolutions to complete the picture.

If you’re familiar with the rest of our Sick series, you know the deal. This library’s sample content is designed to meet the needs and uncompromising standards of professional sound designers, rerecording mixers, film-makers, video game designers and post-production specialists. We’ve also expertly programmed and tailored every detail to fit seamlessly into your creative workflow. Sick 4 is perfect for adventurous composers and songwriters or anyone seeking fresh meat to feed their darker sonic urges.


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