macOS | 02 Aug 2021 | 639 MB

20世纪最后的杰作,20年后重生。 TRITON 工作站在软件中的完美再现。

KORG TRITON 系列合成器工作站于 1999 年首次发布,获得了赞誉和享有盛誉的奖项。世界各地的顶级音乐家都喜欢富有表现力的 PCM 声音,并在无数歌曲中使用了他们的 TRITON。

今年,在其发布 20 周年之际,KORG TRITON 最终将在软件中实现为 KORG Collection TRITON。该插件忠实地再现了 HI(超集成)合成系统到最小的细节,并包含大量预设程序中的每一个。重现众多热门歌曲所特有的真正杰作之声。

TRITON 系列中最强大的型号
TRITON Extreme 是该系列中最强大的型号,具有音乐工作站中首个“Valve Force”真空管,以及大部分新的 PCM 和 EXB-PCM 系列波形。真空管强大的、类似模拟的声音可以与软件一起使用,以获得令人难以置信的声音表现。 (TRITON Extreme 包含在 KORG Collection – TRITON 中。)


Mac OS X 10.0 或更高版本


The last masterpiece of the 20th Century, revived after 20 years. A perfect reproduction of the TRITON workstation in software.

The KORG TRITON series of synthesizer workstations was first released in 1999 to accolades and prestigious awards. Top musicians around the world loved the expressive PCM sound and used their TRITONs on countless songs.

This year, on the 20th anniversary of its release, the KORG TRITON will finally be realized in software as the KORG Collection TRITON. The plug-in faithfully reproduces the HI (Hyper Integrated) synthesis system down to the smallest details and contains every one of the vast number of preset programs. Reclaim the true masterpiece sound that characterizes so many hit songs.

The most powerful model in the TRITON series
The TRITON Extreme is the most powerful model in the series, featuring the first-ever “Valve Force” vacuum tubes in a music workstation, and most of the new PCM and EXB-PCM series waveforms. The powerful, analog-like sound of vacuum tubes can be used with software for incredible sonic performance. (TRITON Extreme is included in the KORG Collection – TRITON.)

Whats new in this version:
Official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

System Requirements
Mac OS X 10.0 or later


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