SYNTHiC4TE | 09 November 2015 | 2.82 GB

生病的6:666 –令人作呕的是一个恐怖主题的电影和预告片音效库,适用于专业作曲家,声音设计师,混音师,动画师,电影制作人和游戏开发商。它包括超过4GB的声音设计内容,包括1000多种刺人,婴儿潮一代,撞击,刺伤,打击,膨胀,坠落,上升,可演奏的打击垫,无人机和环境等。


在毒刺系列中,您会发现67个音库和总共1009个电影效果,每个音效都包含各种不同的声音变化。声音库分为8个主要类别:混沌,电声,血腥,撞击,显示,上升,弦乐和悬念。此外,还有8个维持音调的氛围和大气音景库,每个音库都具有独特的不同互补风格,用于强调,建立张力,环境音效设计和旋律得分。每个预设都提供完整的声音成形控制,按键开关和自动化支持,DSP FX Rack和具有70个脉冲的卷积混响。您可以像传统的一键式效果一样单独播放任何音调或环境,或在整个Midi键范围内立即将它们进行彩色映射,然后按“ Solo”按钮将它们作为已调音的乐器进行演奏。查看目录选项卡以获取更多功能信息。

要使用此库中包含的.nki乐器预设,需要使用Native Instruments Kontakt 5.5的完整零售版(或更高版本)。


Sick 6: 666 – The sickening is a horror-themed cinematic and trailer sound effects library for professional composers, sound designers, re-recording mixers, animators, film makers and game developers. It includes over 4GB of sound designed content, with over 1000 stingers, boomers, impacts, stabs, hits, swells, falls, risers, playable pads, drones and ambiences and more.

We carefully crafted each sound with a variety of tools and techniques, using organic instrument, sound effect and environmental field recordings as our raw source material to create uniquely nuanced, dynamic and vivid scoring elements that are perfect for any horror, sci-fi, drama, suspense or action scene or project.

In the stinger collections, you’ll find 67 sound banks and a total of 1009 cinematic effects, each with a variety of distinct sonic variations included. The sound banks are divided into 8 main categories: Chaos, Electro, Gore, Impact, Reveal, Rising, Strings and Suspense. There are also 8 sustaining tonal ambience and atmospheric soundscape banks as well, each with a unique range of different complimentary flavors for underscoring, tension-building, environmental sound design and melodic scoring. Every preset offers total sound-shaping controls, Key-switch and automation support, DSP FX Rack and Convolution reverb with 70 impulses. You can play any of the stingers or ambiences individually as traditional one-shot effects, or instantly map them chromatically over the whole midi key range and play them as a tuned instruments with a push of the “Solo” button. Check out the Contents tab for more feature info.

The full retail version of Native Instruments Kontakt version 5.5 (or later) is required to use .nki instrument presets included in this library.


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