Synapse Audio The Legend v1.3.1 Incl.Keygen-R2R (Win/Mac)| 79.7/311 MB

The Legend与老式合成器专家Bigtone Studios合作开发,旨在忠实效仿最著名的老式模拟合成器之一。此外,众多创新增强功能极大地提高了其多功能性。


最重要的附加功能是Unison和Polyphonic模式,可产生浓厚的立体声,并支持复音演奏。 The Legend围绕一个矢量化内核构建,能够以比单个语音稍高的成本合成四个语音,使其成为高效的模拟建模合成器插件。

The Legend的后面板允许在建模的两个修订版本Early和Late之间切换。此外,附加选项允许微调模拟仿真并考虑通常在硬件中发现的零件公差。可以调整关键参数范围以及调整,漂移或饱和度。

The Legend的另一个额外功能是其板载效果,包括高质量的延迟和混响单元。两种效果都是为合成器量身定制的,并且仅通过几个参数即可提供恰到好处的声音。



– 8倍过采样引擎

Developed in cooperation with vintage synth specialist Bigtone Studios, The Legend is designed to faithfully emulate one of the most famous vintage analog synths. Moreover, numerous innovative enhancements greatly increase its versatility.

Unprecedented precision
Every component, ranging from the voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs), voltage-controlled filter (VCF) and voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA), have been modeled to an accuracy never seen before in software. The snappy filter and amplifier envelopes have been meticulously modeled, as well as the massive bottom end – even the most marginal effects like temperature drift or effects originating from the power supply have been taken into account.

The most significant additions are the Unison and Polyphonic modes, allowing for thick stereo sounds, as well as enabling polyphonic play. Built around a vectorized core, The Legend is capable of synthesizing four voices for the cost of little more than a single voice, making it a highly efficient analog-modeling synthesizer plug-in.

The back panel of The Legend allows to switch between two revisions modeled, Early and Late. Moreover, extra options allow to fine-tune the analog simulation and account for part tolerances typically found in hardware. The key parameter ranges can be adjusted as well as tuning, drift or saturation.

Another bonus feature of The Legend is its on-board effects, comprising a high-quality delay and reverb unit. Both effects are tailored to the synthesizer, and offer just the right sound with only a few parameters each.

The Legend comes with 480 patches crafted by leading sound designers and sorted into categories like Bass, Lead, SFX, etc.

The Legend features summary

– Accurate circuit simulation
– Two Revisions modeled, Early and Late
– 8x Oversampled engine
– Vectorized core with Unison, Mono and four-voice Polyphony modes
– 480 patches included
– Available as VST, Audio Unit and Rack Extension


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