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16位四操作调频合成器。chipsynth行中的这个成员是一个功能丰富的四个操作符FM synth,非常强大!

Mega Drive™-也被称为创世纪™-是一个非常受喜爱的控制台系统,带来了明亮和闪光的FM的声音到大众。它催生了无数快节奏、激动人心的原声音乐,时至今日,它仍然推动着作曲家的创造力。

作为我们设计chipsynth MD,我们无法帮助自己,但果酱包装与特性,更上一层楼,进入每个组件的硬件无论多么模糊,和一个智能分层系统,可以让你把任何OPN2补丁变成一个巨大的震耳欲聋的6-layer墙的声音!


MD提供了一个精确的OPN2 (YM2612)仿真器。我们将它与兼容sn76489的方波内核(SPSG)以及对游戏中非常难处理的回放样本的特殊模拟相结合,并将所有这些都乘以6,使其在任何可以想象到的情况下都具有复音效果。一个免费赠送的VGM文件播放器允许你试听数百个经典的原声,就像他们应该被听到。




16-bit four operator FM synthesizer. This member of the chipsynth line is a feature-rich four operator FM synth that packs quite a punch!
The Mega Drive™ – also known as Genesis™ – is a much beloved console system that brought the bright and sparkly sound of FM to the masses. It resulted in the creation of numerous fast paced and exciting soundtracks, and it still drives the creativity of composers to this day.

As we designed chipsynth MD, we couldn’t help ourselves but to jam pack it with features that take it to the next level, with an access to every component of the hardware no matter how obscure, and an intelligent layering system that lets you turn any OPN2 patch into a monstrous ear-splitting 6-layer wall of sound!

MD features a bit accurate OPN2 (YM2612) emulator. We combined it with a SN76489-compatible square wave core (SPSG) and a special emulation of the very crunchy sample playback found in games, and we multiplied all of this by 6 to make it polyphonic in every situation imaginable. A complimentary VGM file player allows you to audition hundreds of vintage soundtracks just like they were meant to be heard.

Plogue’s reverse-engineering team worked very hard to make sure that even the rarest corner-cases involving the special features of the OPN2 chip were emulated bit-perfectly, backed by large amounts of testing on special hardware rigs. Add the DAC and impulse-response emulation to that, and you get a degree of realism that has never been reached before!
Oh, and as always, it is done how it should: without using samples!

Whats New:
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.


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