WiN | 30 GB




•广泛的高端音频效果,包括崇敬卷积混响,VST Amp仿真和更多
•高达192khz, 32个立体声输出和6通道环绕支持
•跨平台兼容性:Windows (VST 3, VST 2, AAX)和macOS (VST 3, AU, AAX)插件和独立支持

VST 2, VST 3或AAX兼容的主机应用程序作为插件使用
64位Intel或AMD多核处理器(推荐Intel i5或更快)


HALion is the most comprehensive virtual sampling and sound design system available today and excels the present creative process for producers and sound designers in all areas.

It covers the complete creative workflow from recording and sample editing to programming advanced synthesis and modulation setups. With HALion, create customized user interfaces and export ready-to-release instrument libraries with every step streamlined to the greatest extent.

The powerful set of oscillators for seamless sample playback as well as the next-generation synthesis make HALion a versatile creative tool in simply every situation. Its broad library includes thousands of high-class and deep-sampled instruments and cutting-edge synthesizer sounds for all kinds of musical genres.

Key Features
•State-of-the-art sampler and sound creation system tailored to the demands of professionals
•Advanced library creation tools including Macro Page Designer, drag-and-drop Library Creator and HALion scripting
•Powerful multi-timbral audio engine with disk-streaming sample playback, tone-wheel organ simulator and high-end virtual analog, granular and wavetable synthesis
•AudioWarp for cutting-edge time-stretching and pitch-shifting
•FlexPhraser module drives beats, arpeggios and complex tonal phrases
•Outstanding library including over 3,400 synthesized sounds and breathtakingly authentic acoustic instruments
•Flexible user interface with multi-monitor support allowing you to customize and save your own windows and screen sets
•Wide range of high-end audio effects, including REVerence convolution reverb, VST Amp simulation and many more
•Up to 192 kHz, 32 stereo outputs and 6-channel surround support
•Cross-platform compatibility: Windows (VST 3, VST 2, AAX) and macOS (VST 3, AU, AAX) plug-in and standalone support

System Requirements
64 Bit Windows 7/8/10
VST 2, VST 3 or AAX compatible host application for using as plug-in
64-bit Intel or AMD multi-core processor (Intel i5 or faster recommended)
4 GB RAM (8 GB recommended)


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