EXS24 | NN-XT | KONTAKT | AiFF 24-bit / 44,1 kHz – 2,98 GB


通常,具有如此优秀组件的硬件是有价格的;然而,与Nord 2X采样仪器在您的声音调色板,您可以访问水晶清楚和波光闪闪的声音,以一个负担得起的价格Nord线。




– – – – – -低音提琴


– FM/Ring Mod刺伤





– 42个Kontakt补丁

– 29 EXS24修补程式(逻辑)

– 29个SXT补丁(原因)

NI Kontakt FULL v4.2和更高是必需的!




Clavia, the internationally acclaimed synth manufacturer from Sweden, are responsible for producing the Nord Lead series. The Lead synths are instantly recognisable not just for their striking red colour but their outstanding sound quality and ability to emulate vintage analog synths with class and precision.

Typically, hardware with such excellent componentry comes at a price; however, with the Nord 2X Sampler Instruments in your sound palette you can access the crystal clear and shimmering sounds of the Nord line at an affordable price.

Even better yet, you can take these instruments with you anywhere you have your laptop or PC, as this sampler bank loads seamlessly into Kontakt and EXS24. All of your patch settings will be instantly recalled upon opening your projects. A variety of sounds and timbres are supplied in the bank to allow you to inject the raw Nord sound into your productions.

Types of patches in this bank include:
– Leads
– Basses
– Pads
– FM/Ring Mod Stabs
– Analog Plucks

All sampler instruments are ready to be dropped into your projects, perfect for layering with soft synths to add extra chunk and fullness. They also sit nicely in the mix (a great feature of the Nord Lead), providing the ‘bread and butter’ analog style sounds that will set you apart from other producers.

Listen to the audio demos below to see what can be easily achieved with this sampler bank.

Included in the bank is:
– 42 Kontakt Patches
– 29 EXS24 Patches (Logic)
– 29 SXT Patches (Reason)

NI Kontakt FULL v4.2 and higher is required!


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