Sonokinetic推出“Ibrido Cinematica”,首次发布在Sonokinetic Ibrido声音设计产品线。Ibrido Cinematica是一个混合的声音设计工具,建立自定义有机声音foley和样本从声波动力学库,并与先进的信号发生器和处理器的状态混合。这款乐器将为您的调色板注入大量创新的手工制作样品,由墨西哥声音设计师胡安·帕布罗·纳兰霍制作。

在与Juan Pablo的密切合作中,我们创建了一个独特的、鼓舞人心的编写工具,添加了先进的NKS功能,使其能够与Komplete Kontrol软件和本机仪器硬件控制器无缝地工作。在这里,我们探索了未知的领域,并为我们的乐器范围带来了一些新的东西,希望这款产品将激发和激励来自各行各业的作曲家和声音设计师。这是一个令人兴奋的弯路,我们进入这个混合电影声音设计的领域,我们已经使出了所有的努力,以确保这个乐器符合我们的声波动力学标准。听一听音频演示,看看我们的视频教程,看看这个声音设计宝藏背后的力量

Ibrido Cinematica主办四个主要类别:氛围,短片,噪音和下降,闪光和粉碎。材料范围从冲击和击中,呜呼声,掉落和故障(为音乐线索过渡)。也有大量的长期发展和变化的氛围,提供了一个彩色的背景调色板,以建立您的乐谱和轨道。Ibrido是非常多才多艺的,感觉就像在一个电影媒体配乐在一个现代舞蹈轨道。在我们独特的用户界面处理和操纵样本的新方法,我们的目标是为任何音乐家或声音设计师提供最大限度的控制他们的声音,同时保持声波动力学的用户体验和工作流程。在Sonokinetic BV,我们骄傲地向您介绍Ibrido Cinematica,并邀请您加入。我们迫不及待地想听到你们,我们宝贵的客户群,将与它一起创造出的神奇的东西。


– Shine & Crush

Kontakt 6.2及以上


Sonokinetic introduces “Ibrido Cinematica”, the first release in the Sonokinetic Ibrido Sound Design product line. Ibrido Cinematica is a hybrid sound design tool, built from custom organic sound foley and samples from the Sonokinetic vault, and blended with state of the art signal generators and processors. This instrument will infuse your composing palette with a vast collection of innovative hand-crafted samples, produced by Mexican sound designer Juan Pablo Naranjo.

In close collaboration with Juan Pablo, we created a unique and inspiring composing tool, adding advanced NKS functionality to make it work seamlessly with the Komplete Kontrol software and Native Instruments hardware controllers. Here we’ve navigated uncharted terrain and bring something new to our instrument range and hopefully this product will intrigue and motivate composers and sound designers from all walks of life. It is an exciting detour for us to step into this realm of hybrid cinematic sound design, and we’ve pulled out all the stops to make sure this instrument lives up to our Sonokinetic standards. Have a listen to the audio demos and check out our video tutorials to get a glimpse of the power behind this sound design treasure

Ibrido Cinematica hosts four main categories: Ambiences, Shorts, Noise & Drops and Shine & Crush. The material ranges from impacts & hits to whooshes, drops & glitches (for musical cue transitions). There are also plenty of long evolving and morphing ambiences that provide a colorful background palette on which to build your score and tracks. Ibrido is very versatile and feels as much at home in a cinematic media score as it does in a modern dance track. With a novel approach to handling and manipulating samples in our distinctive user interface, we aim to provide any musician or sound designer with maximum control over their sound, all while preserving the Sonokinetic user experience and workflow. We, at Sonokinetic BV, introduce Ibrido Cinematica to you with pride and would like to invite you to jump in. We can’t wait to hear the amazing things you, our valued customer base, will produce with it.
Sonokinetic has established a name as one of the best value & quality sample producers and with this product we’d like to underline that statement. We stick with our unbeatable pricing module and high quality sampling.

360 individual samples divided into 4 categories

– Ambiences
– Shorts
– Noise & Drops
– Shine & Crush

Kontakt 6.2 and up


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