Team 0TH3Rside | 15 August 2020 | 724 MB

著名的音频自豪地呈现“终极迪斯科”包含9个最好的迪斯科建筑套件在128 BPM。充满迷幻和创新的声音,从经典的迪斯科到深屋的扭曲延伸。


你可以期待找到76茎+ 137环和样品+ 9充分混合。详细地说,这包包括,9个关键标签组合鼓,hi-hats,踢,圈套,低音,合成器,尖叫,哔哔声,噪音,vox和FX打破在个别轨道茎。每个工具箱都有一个完整的混音,加上所有独立的元素打破-对于所有想要在他们的作品中注入正宗迪斯科的现代制作人…所以你可以单独使用它们,也可以从不同的套件中混合搭配关键元素,从而产生全新的激动人心的想法。


“Ultimate Disco”不仅是专门用于迪斯科音乐,还可以用于许多流派,如独立舞曲,Nu Disco,深屋,Funky, Electro House, Techno和许多其他风格。








•要求KONTAKT v5.6.5或更高



Famous Audio proudly present “Ultimate Disco” containing 9 of the finest disco construction kits at 128 BPM. Full of trippy and innovative sounds, from classic disco to twisted reaches of deep house.

“Ultimate Disco” is stacked full to the brim of ingredients you need to create your next epic production. Full of authentic retro disco and club sounds but with a modern feel. Loaded with sizzling leads, shimmering synth-disco, pumping beats, glossy synths, funked up synth licks, mega brass sections, orchestral disco strings, bouncy basslines, electrofied FX, stomping house beats, layered disco percussion, 80s arps, piano licks, sequenced grooves and arpeggios, slinky melodic phrases and soulful keys, spacey synths and more.. This pack offers infectious melodic content for house, disco and electro productions.

You can expect to find 76 Stems + 137 Loops & Samples + 9 Full Mixes. In detail this pack includes, 9 Key labelled construction kits of combined drums, hi-hats, kicks, snares, bass, synths, screams, bleeps, noises, vox and FX broken out in individual track stems. Each Kit comes with a full mix, plus all individual elements broken out – for all modern producers looking to inject an authentic Disco groove into their productions… So you can use them on their own or mix and match key elements from different kits for brand new exciting ideas.

All loops & samples are key and tempo labeled for flexibility you can fit them into your workflow easily and/or mix and match with your other content.

“Ultimate Disco” is not only dedicated to be used for Disco tracks but can also be used in many genres such as Indie Dance, Nu Disco, Deep House, Funky, Electro House, Techno and many other styles.


• 24 Bit Quality
• 9 Construction Kits
• 137 Loops & Samples
• 76 Stems
• 9 Full Mixes
• 1.60 gig uncompressed
• Requires KONTAKT v5.6.5 or higher

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