Best Service公司花了一年多的时间精心制作后隆重推出了克里斯·海恩贝斯音源,Chris-Hein-Bass共有六款的高贵的贝斯音源,采样所有可以想象的演奏细节,提供112 MIDI控制功能,包括突破性的新闻,如重复热键,键颤音,秋季控制,桥梁/中心演奏,皮卡微勾兑,表达样本,捏谐波,自动模式,幻灯片模式,和弦模式和更多。采用KONTAKT采样器读取使用。

It took more than a year for Chris Hein to produce this outstanding collection of six exceptional noble bass instruments, sampled with all imaginable details that answer anyone’s wishes. A Musicman Stingray electric-bass picked & slapped, a LeFay fretless bass and a unique upright bass with three different sets of strings: steel-strings (the classic jazz sound), nylon-strings (the high-fidelity sound) and gut-strings (the old-school swing sound of the 40s). The exceeding script programming in Kontakt 2 allows sound designing that overtops even the possibilities of the real basses. For the first time all nuances of bass playing techniques are implemented in a sampled instrument. This virtual instrument offers 112 MIDI controllable features including groundbreaking news like repetition-hotkeys, keys-vibrato, fall-control, bridge/center playing, pickup micro-blending, expression-samples, pinch-harmonics, automatic-mode, slide-mode, chord-mode and much more.

– 12.7 GB of fantastic, natural bass sounds
– up to 4.089 samples per sound
– Native Instruments Kontakt engine
– up to 42 articulations
– up to 8 velocity layers
– 112 Midi controllable parameters with total recall
– repetition hotkeys
– key vibrato
– four release controls
– fall control
– bridge-/center playing
– pickup micro-blending (upright basses)
– pinch harmonics (electric basses)
– expression samples
– automatic-, slide- and chord-mode


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