New Librarian:

轻松找到您正在寻找的即时声音预览,搜索 – you-yey-type,按类别和标签进行过滤,更重要。
New Arpeggiato

Arpeggiator Reathwaul的时间。


New Sequencer:

NEXUS3 features a brand-new sequencer mode. It’s easy. It’s intuitive. Give it a try.
Nothing stands between you and those chords you’ve always wanted to put down.
Create the most complex patterns with multiple notes per step and set the velocity individually. Zoom in on the x-axis or the y-axis to make fine adjustments or zoom out to have an overview of the full pattern.
New Vector-Based GUI:

Sharp and crisp. Always. Resize to what is convenient for you.
No matter the resolution of your screen, NEXUS3 always looks good.
New Macros, More Modulation:

Four quick-access macro controls and a total of 20 modulation slots.
Convenient and easy to use.
New Cloud-Sync Feature:

Automatically store your favorites, bookmarks, user presets, and settings in the cloud.
Getting back your content when installing NEXUS3 on a new computer has never been easier.
Fast, Easy on the Resources:

NEXUS has never been faster and better.
Preset loading times and CPU performance have been vastly improved.
Compatible with NEXUS2:

NEXUS3 is compatible with your existing NEXUS2 library. Load your old beats into your DAW and load the sounds you’ve had before.
Upgrading has never been smoother.
More Sounds:

NEXUS3 expands the factory content by more than 350 new, high-quality, hand-crafted presets.
Because one can never have too many sounds.
Online Activation:

Yes, we’ve heard you. No more dongles or other third-party tools required.
Activate NEXUS3 online – it’ll only take a few seconds and you’re good to go.
reFX Cloud App:

Installing NEXUS3 and expansions is now easier than ever before.
Click the icon of the product you’d like to install. Done.
Summary of content:

Electronic documentation (online).
2,799 sound-presets divided into 22 categories.
2,238 multi-samples (~18 GB uncompressed).
211 impulse responses.
119 arpeggiator-presets.
95 effect-presets.
52 trancegate-presets.


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