WiN: P2P | UPDATE: 35 MB | FULL: 203 MB | MAC: P2P | 29 MB | MAC: iND | v1.21b5 Patched AU VST | 8.05 MB













Serum presets


Serum comes with over 450 presets and 144 wavetables. A thousands of fresh professional presets (sorted by genre and instrument type) and a lot of wavetables you can find on This synthesiser is perfect for Dubstep, Future Bass, Trap, EDM producers.


► System Requirements:


  • CPU with SSE2
  • Windows 7 SP1, or Mac OS X 10.6 or greater
  • VST2.4 , AU or AAX compatible host software


1.30b1 (May 25 2020)


  • Fix: preference: Limit Polyphony to one of any note number was causing a filter click on new/stolen note
  • Fix: SerumFX was latching on stop which could cause LFOs to become offset
  • Fix: Some on-screen help tooltips were displaying the wrong tip information
  • Fix: Flip Vertical was moving LFO Bus modulation assignments
  • Fix: Remove Modulations context menu item was not removing LFO Points on Windows
  • Fix: Alt key was not reacting on AAX Windows
  • Fix: In 1.29b9, graph curve handles were not drawing on X-Shaper / Remap graphs
  • Fix: Adjusting LFO 5-8 rate with notes playing was not reacting until new note
  • Fix: Updated Mix/Level image artwork


1.29b9(May 23 2020)


  • Fix: Typing entry values for the new FX level knobs was responding in percentages instead of the dB range
  • Fix: Drag modulators to LFO graph was flickering in some OS/DAW combinations
  • Fix: Drag modulators to exactly LFO point (instead of X Y) was assigning (to another point) when it should do nothing
  • Fix: typing negative values setting LFO rate in Hz mode would get accepted in some situations
  • Fix: changing the preset browser filters/search could leave the previous row location in the list selected.
  • Fix: modulated icon on numeric controls not drawing the indicator greyed when the mod source was unfocused
  • Add: Improvements to LFO drag to point handling + cosmetics
  • Add: Remove LFO modulation points checks if the bus is no longer used by points, and if so, removes the bus mod matrix entries
  • Fix: remove point modulation mentioned above
  • FIx: potential memory leak in bitmap loading additional memory footprint reduction
  • Fix: potential issue in compressor circuit on preset load
  • Fix: using “(no category)” filter in preset browser was not displaying presets
  • Fix: wrong assignment for single LFO curve via right-click on Windows
  • Fix: right-click pop-up menu for LFO points was offset if zoom not 100%
  • Add: SerumFX now reloads oscillator states from songs (external load / not presets loaded internally).


1.29b7(May 18 2020)


– New: LFO Point modulation


Right-click (ctrl-click MacOS) on a point in the LFO Graph, you will see “Modulate X” and Modulate Y” options on the pop-up menu.


You will then see a list of (in use) LFO Busses plus one empty one (e.g. you only see “LFO Bus 1” only when starting a new preset) followed by a list of Mod Sources.


By selecting a mod source, you are Creating a Matrix assignment (Selected Mod Source -> LFO Bus) and also the point association (e.g. point X axis->LFO Bus).


The busses allow for multiple points to be controlled by a single Matrix assignment/depth.


You can e.g. drag-select multiple points and assign them to the same bus.


– New: drag-export last played note as wav file.


You should see a waveform icon appear when mousing over the very top-left of Serum’s window (top-left corner of SERUM logo).


Drag this to the DAW, it records the last played note+velo+duration to a file (Serum Presets/Renders/).


This is a replaying of the note, so the result is like playing the note again (e.g. will not be literally identical in sound if random or BPM-sync features are enabled).


Please note: you are creating audio files on your hard disk by using this feature (they don’t ‘magically’ get created in the DAW project, that would be nice if it were technically possible), so management of these files is up to you. Serum does not use them directly itself, but if you drag it to your DAW, your DAW may now be referencing this file. If you drag a lot you will end up with a lot of audio files in the Renders folder, so you may want to consider file management techniques (e.g. relocate or consolidate if using in a project) ahead of time. You can alt-click the drag export button to open the Renders folder in the OS.


– New: Hi resolution resampling of Serum’s skin bitmaps on Windows (gets macOS resampling quality).


Since this is heavy computation (slow), to speed up opening Serum, the resized images get cached (%APPDATA%\\Xfer\\Serum) of the last set skin+zoom size. So Serum will resize slower when setting the zoom to a new setting, or selecting a new skin, but if you save the size and/or skin as the default(s) in the SERUM logo menu, then opening should be faster than ever on subsequent openings of the window.


  • New: automation parameters for the 8 LFO Rise, LFO Delay controls – these controls were not automatable in the DAW previously.
  • New: Level Trim controls for the effect modules


Clicking on the MIX switch on any effect mix knob will expose a modulatable level parameter, to attenuate or boost the output from any effect. This can be useful for attenuating the effect chain level to e.g. match Direct Out oscillators, or gating/muting sound as well as boosting (e.g. in front of distortion for more drive).


  • New: velocity (click Y location) to clicking the onscreen piano keyboard
  • New: “init all LFOs” to main menu
  • Fix: when at 110% zoom, tooltip numbers were drawing overlapped on adjusting AHDSR controls modulation depth popup value (note: it is likely there are similar value-display issues to locate and fix)
  • Fix: manual value entry on distortion Q below 0.1 would crash
  • Fix: better browser support for nested folders, truncated text in the preset filters when using Sort by Location
  • Fix: polyphony limit handling / released notes were getting priority over held notes in some situations.



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