WAV FL Studio Ableton Live Logic Pro X Project Files | 682.33 MB

大多数 Hip-Hop 架子鼓都很烂。几乎所有人都回收了相同的旧声音——最初是在 10 多年前创建的。在我们看来,这是不可接受的。现代 Hip-Hop 制作人需要现代采样 – 鼓声,提供冲击力,原创并提升您的节拍。

当我们创建鼓时,我们将它们设计为可以切割任何混合。结合深度、敲击声和纹理的处理已应用于每个声音 – 因此您不必这样做。如果你想提升你的节拍,你需要像这样的现代鼓。

320 个样本和循环

808 真正定义了 Hip-Hop。一个糟糕的 808 很容易毁掉你的节奏。我们精确地设计了每个 808 样本,一直到其波表 – 通过对它们进行模拟饱和度和数字失真处理,我们制作了 20 个真正强大且多功能的 808。如果你想让你的节拍动起来,你需要这些。

20 808 个样品

我们知道这种感觉——您已经准备好制作一些火爆节拍,但灵感根本没有打动您。这就是旋律循环派上用场的地方。我们制作了 15 个漂亮且用途广泛的循环,保证能激发一些想法并极大地增加您的工作流程。此外,我们为每个循环都包含了词干和 MIDI 文件,因此如果您只想从循环中的一个循环中获取吉他、人声或和弦,您可以。哦,它们都是 100% 免版税的 – 这意味着您不必清除任何样本或考虑稍后将其更换并破坏您的新节拍。

15 个完整的旋律循环
75 杆和 MIDI


3 项目文件

Logic Pro X


Most Hip-Hop drum kits suck. Almost all of them recycle the same old sounds – initially created more than 10 years ago. In our humble opinion, this is unacceptable. The modern Hip-Hop producer needs modern samples – drums that slap, provide punch, are original, and elevate your beats.

Designed to punch.

When we create drums, we design them to cut through any mix. Processing that combines depth, knock, and texture has been applied to every single sound – so you don’t have to. If you want to elevate your beats, you need modern drums like these.

320 Samples & Loops

Pushing limits.

808’s are genuinely what define Hip-Hop. A poor 808 can easily ruin your beat. We precisely engineered every 808 sample all the way down to its wavetable – and by processing them with analog saturation and digital distortion, we crafted 20 truly powerful and versatile 808’s. If you want to make your beats move, you need these.

20 808 Sampels

Melody Loops
Ready to inspire.

We know that feeling – you’re ready to cook up some fire beats, but inspiration simply isn’t hitting you. That’s where melody loops come in handy. We’ve crafted 15 beautiful and versatile loops that are guaranteed to spark some ideas and increase your workflow tremendously. Additionally, we included stems and MIDI files for every loop, so if you want to grab just the guitar, vocal chops, or chords from one of the loops, you can. Oh, and they are all 100% royalty-free – meaning you won’t have to clear any of the samples or think about swapping it out later and ruining your new beat.

15 Full Melody Loops
75 Stems & MIDI

Project Files
Learn from the best.

Nobody wants to give you a deeper look inside their project files – they are afraid to give away their secrets. We don’t! We believe that to become one of the best, you have to learn from the best. That’s why we’re giving you the project files of our three demo beats. Dive deep into the project files and study things like mixing, arrangement, mastering, sound design, drum selection, chords, melodies, and more.

3 Project Files

FL Studio
Ableton Live
Logic Pro X

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