WAV Serum Presets FL Studio Ableton Live Logic Pro X Project Files | 2.06 GB


准备好获得您能找到的看似最干净、最丰富的 Serum 预设。以 Kygo 令人难以置信的声音设计为灵感——这个音库是制作 Tropical House、Deep House 或任何其他 House 流派的人的必备品。这些干净的弹拨、强劲的贝司、令人振奋的垫子、强劲的主音等会给您带来大量的灵感。

有机乐器是 Kygo 热门歌曲背后的众多秘密之一。多亏了一些更高级的声音设计技术,我们将 Serum 变成了一种多采样乐器——这意味着长笛、钢琴和吉他预设听起来从未如此自然和精确。如果您想制作像 Kygo 这样的热门歌曲,您将需要像这样的适合排行榜的声音。

血清版本 1.322+


柔和而有力的底鼓、经典的室内军鼓、有机鼓掌、令人难以置信的打击乐循环、振动器和手鼓只是使 Kygo 声音如此独特的少数鼓元素。这就是为什么我们制作了一个针对这些特定类型的声音量身定制的样本包——而且我们做到了!这些是我们有史以来最干净的底鼓、军鼓、拍手和钹,鼓循环非常适用于大量不同的混音。

最重要的是,我们甚至以 Kygo 的风格创建了自己的原创吉他和钢琴循环。这些保证会立即激发新的想法——而且由于它们是原创且免版税的,如果您围绕它们构建轨道,则以后无需更换它们。

350 多个样本和循环
.WAV 24位


访问 Kygo 启发的样本和预设已经为您提供了巨大的优势。然而,访问受他歌曲启发的项目文件将使逆向工程提升到一个全新的水平。我们重新制作了 Kygo 早期专辑“Cloud Nine”中的六首曲目,“Golden Hour”中的一些最新曲目,甚至还有一些介于两者之间。通过创建这些项目文件,您可以深入混音、探索并了解一些您最喜欢的 Kygo 曲目是如何制作的。

6 项目文件
FL Studio 版本 20
Ableton Live 版本 11
Logic Pro X 10.6 版


Next Level Tropical Sounds. These soundsstole the show.

Be prepared to get your hands on seemingly the cleanest and richest Serum presets you’ll ever find. With Kygo’s incredible sound design taken as inspiration—this soundbank is a must-have for anyone that produces Tropical House, Deep House, or any other House genre. You’ll find tons of inspiration with these clean plucks, powerful basses, uplifting pads, strong leads, and more.

Organic instruments are one of many secrets behind Kygo’s hits. Thanks to some next-level sound design techniques, we turned Serum into a multi-sample instrument—meaning the flute, piano, and guitar presets have never sounded this natural and precise. If you want to produce chart hits like Kygo, you’ll need chart-ready sounds like these.

Serum Version 1.322+

Drums that takeyou to cloud nine.

Soft yet punchy kicks, classic house snares, organic claps, incredible percussion loops, shakers, and tambourines are just a few drum elements that make Kygo’s sound so unique. That’s why we crafted a sample pack tailored to these specific kinds of sounds—and we nailed it! These are some of our cleanest kicks, snares, claps, and cymbals ever, and the drum loops are highly usable in tons of different mixes.

On top of that, we even created our own original guitar and piano loops in the style of Kygo. These are guaranteed to inspire new ideas instantly—and since they are original and royalty-free, you won’t have to swap them out later if you build a track around them.

350+ Samples & Loops
.WAV 24Bit

Dive deepinto the mix.

Having access to Kygo inspired samples, and presets already gives you a huge advantage. However, having access to project files inspired by his songs will take reverse-engineering to a whole new level. We remade six tracks from Kygo’s earlier album ‘Cloud Nine,’ some more recent tracks from ‘Golden Hour,’ and even some in-between. Creating these project files allows you to dive into the mix, explore, and learn how some of your favorite Kygo tracks were crafted.

6 Project Files
FL Studio Version 20
Ableton Live Version 11
Logic Pro X Version 10.6

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