FANTASTiC | 22 October 2021 | 1.66 GB

Organic Loops 自豪地推出 Disco Soul & Boogaloo Rhythms,这是一个真实的声音集合,完美地传达了经典拉丁 R&B 音乐的节奏声音。这种风格的历史可以追溯到 1960 年代,即使在今天,这种风格仍然听起来很新鲜和现代 – 所以趁热抓住这个 100% 免版税的选择吧!

Boogaloo 和 Salsoul 于 1960 年代从纽约市的西班牙哈莱姆区出来,被认为是 Nuyorican Soul 运动的根源。将 Salsa 的声音与 Rhythm 和 Blues 混合,它融合了 Son Montuno、Cha Cha Cha、Guaguanco、Jump Blues、Mambo 和 Doo-wop 等流行节奏。主要代表包括伟大的打击乐手,如 Mongo Santamaria、Ray Barreto、Tito Puente 和 Pucho。许多伟大的艺术家都可以听到它的影响,包括 Herbie Hancock、Joe Bataan、Joe Cuba 等等。

Disco Soul & Boogaloo Rhythms 包含 1.95GB 的内容,包含所有关键打击乐和鼓声部的巨大帮助,为 boogaloo 节拍奠定了坚实的基础。您会发现一系列完整和混合的鼓组循环,由老式 Gretsch 和 Ludwig 鼓组、老式 Zildjian 钹、老式 valje congas、lp timbales、牛铃、邦戈、guiro、maracas、clave、shekeres 和 JCR Campanas 组成丰富的拉丁灵魂的所有预期水平。

循环播放在 90-140bpm 之间,这个系列肯定会为您的节拍带来复古魅力,非常适合任何西班牙或拉丁风格的风格,但也适用于家庭、科技公司、嘻哈和雷鬼音乐以及其他舞池样式。

详细地说,期望找到 1.95 GB 的内容,所有音频均为 24Bit 44.1KHZ。有 12 个鼓打击乐槽组、143 个鼓组循环、74 个完整混合循环、67 个混合打击乐循环、60 个音色循环、59 个康加循环、47 个马拉卡循环、32 个 guiro 循环、29 个鼓填充循环、27 个邦戈循环、25 个坎普循环和 17 个 shekere 循环。还包括 580 个 Rex2 文件。

•1•95 GB
•24Bit 44 1KHZ
•12 鼓打击乐器凹槽套件
•143 个鼓组循环
•74 个完整的混合循环
•67 个混合打击乐循环
•60 个 Timbale 循环
•59 个康加乐循环
•47 个马拉卡循环
•32 Guiro Loops
•29 个鼓填充循环
•25 Campana Loops
•17 Shekere Loops
•580 Rex2 文件


Organic Loops are proud to present Disco Soul & Boogaloo Rhythms, an authentic collection of sounds that perfectly convey the rhythmic sounds of classic Latin R&B music. With a history stretching right back to the 1960s, this style continues to sound fresh and contemporary even today – so grab this 100% royalty free selection while it’s hot!

Boogaloo and Salsoul came out of Spanish Harlem in New York City during the 1960’s and is considered to be the roots of the Nuyorican Soul movement. Mixing the sounds of Salsa with Rhythm and Blues it fuses popular rhythms like Son Montuno, Cha Cha Cha, Guaguanco, Jump Blues, Mambo and Doo-wop. The main exponents include great percussionist such as Mongo Santamaria, Ray Barreto, Tito Puente and Pucho. Its influence can be heard in many great artists including, Herbie Hancock, Joe Bataan, Joe Cuba and many more.

Coming with 1.95GB of content, Disco Soul & Boogaloo Rhythms contains a huge helping of all the crucial percussion and drum parts that provide give boogaloo beats their solid foundations. You’ll find an array of full and mixed drum kit loops, made up of vintage Gretsch and Ludwig drum kits, vintage Zildjian cymbals, vintage valje congas, lp timbales, cowbells, bongos, guiro, maracas, clave, shekeres and JCR Campanas with all the expected levels of Latin soul found in abundance.

With loops playing between 90-140bpm, this collection will certainly bring a vintage charm to your beats that will fit perfectly in any Spanish or Latin oriented styles, but will also work well in house, tech house, hip hop and reggaeton music alongside other dancefloor styles.

In detail, expect to find 1.95 GB of content, with all audio at 24Bit 44.1KHZ. There are 12 drum percussion groove kits, 143 drum kit loops, 74 full mixed loops, 67 mixed percussion loops, 60 timbale loops, 59 conga loops, 47 maraca loops, 32 guiro loops, 29 drum fill loops, 27 bongo loops, 25 campana loops and 17 shekere loops. Also include are 580 Rex2 files.

•1•95 GB
•24Bit 44 1KHZ
•12 Drum Percussion Groove Kits
•143 Drum kit Loops
•74 Full Mixed Loops
•67 Mixed Percussion Loops
•60 Timbale Loops
•59 Conga Loops
•47 Maraca Loops
•32 Guiro Loops
•29 Drum Fill Loops
•27 Bongo Loops
•25 Campana Loops
•17 Shekere Loops
•580 Rex2 Files

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