FANTASTiC | 18 October 2021 | 3.75 GB

十二生肖卷。 2:优质旋律
对于生肖卷。 2 我们想要扩展使第一个 Zodiac 成为我们有史以来最受欢迎的样本系列之一的最佳元素。

在创建旋律循环时,我们一直在采用新方法 – 这导致了我们做过的一些最鼓舞人心和最感性的旋律循环。

为了完成这项工作,我们使用了类似的方法来处理年度最大的一些唱片,例如 DONDA 和 Certified Lover Boy,这些专辑有数十位制作人合作。


• 强调使用老式合成器、硬件设备和效果器进行现场表演
• 创建完整的作品,而不仅仅是简单的循环。这意味着每个循环都有多个部分和有趣的安排。
• 添加吉他、贝斯、鼓/打击乐器、钢琴等现场乐器。
•在许多乐曲之上的现场灵魂乐和 RnB 人声

Aquarius 是郁郁葱葱的灵魂、福音和 R&B lofi 背景人声的集合,就像现在许多嘻哈和 R&B 音乐中使用的一样。

您实际上可以听到许多此类人声样本在 Zodiac Vol. 的许多旋律中使用。 2 – 他们在制作我们做过的一些最情绪化和最有氛围的旋律方面发挥了重要作用。

如果你想要在 Drake 和 Kanye 的许多歌曲中感受到那种情绪化的氛围,你会喜欢这些额外的人声。

Cosmos:吉他 Loop
Cosmos 是现代嘻哈和 R&B 吉他的专业收藏。

一切都是由专业吉他手现场录制的,他们的作品曾用于嘻哈和 EDM 行业的主要发行版。

在 Cosmos 中,您会发现精美的分层吉他循环,其中还包括词干,这些词干本身就构成了很好的采样源。

在为歌曲设置氛围时,打击乐循环可以提供很大帮助 – 它们可以提供纹理、节奏和弹跳到轨道,并且易于构建。


Virgo 中的每个循环都经过精心打造,旨在成为即时氛围的创造者。

意味着这些创造灵感的重要来源 – 因为当您听到它们时,您会立即开始听到新想法进入您的脑海。


因此,在 Main Zodiac Collection 中的 250 个 MIDI 之上,Orion 将为您提供另外 250 个 MIDI 文件,您可以直接将其拖入 DAW 并开始寻找灵感。

这使得 Zodiac Vol 总共有 500 个 MIDI。 2

有了这么多 MIDI,您可以花费无数个小时来试验并为您的下一个大曲目想出新的旋律。

十二生肖卷。 2 个典藏版 USB
250 生肖卷。 2 典藏版 USB 将以先到先得的方式发放。

我们将赠送独家收藏版 ZODIAC VOL。 2 USB 发给前 250 名获得许可证的制作人!

这些将带来一个特别的惊喜,只有那 250 人才能收到。


ZODIAC Vol. 2: Premium Melodies
For Zodiac Vol. 2 we wanted to expand on the best elements that made the first Zodiac one of our most popular sample collections ever.

We have been taking a new approach when creating melody loops – which has led to some of the most inspiring and emotional melody loops we have ever done.

To make this work, we used a similar approach to some of the biggest records of the year like DONDA and Certified Lover Boy, albums that have dozens of producers collaborating together.

Every sample is a collaboration between our handpicked team of producers and engineers, all specializing in their own skill sets.

Main focuses of Zodiac:
•Emphasis on live performance with vintage synths, hardware gear, and fx pedals
•Creating full compositions instead of just simple loops. This means every loop has multiple sections and interesting arrangements.
•Collaboration between our best producers and musicians, letting each one focus on their strengths to create the best possible samples.
•Adding live instruments like guitar, bass, drums/percussion, piano, and more.
•Live soul & RnB vocals on top of a lot of the compositions

Aquarius: Vocal Samples
Aquarius is a collection of lush soul, gospel, and R&B lofi background vocals like those being used in a lot of Hip Hop and R&B music now.

You can actually hear a lot of these types of vocal samples being used in many of the melodies in Zodiac Vol. 2 – and they played a big part in making some of the most emotional and vibey melodies we’ve ever done.

If you’re going for the emotional type of vibe felt in many Drake and Kanye songs, you’re going to love these bonus vocals.

Cosmos: Guitar Loops
Cosmos is a specialty collection of modern Hip Hop and R&B guitars.

Everything is live recorded by professional guitarists who have had their work used on major releases in the Hip Hop and EDM industries.

In Cosmos you will find beautifly layered guitar loops that also include stems, which on their own make for great sampling sources.

Virgo: Percussion Loops
Percussion loops can help a lot when it comes to setting the vibe for a song – they can provide texture, rhythm, and bounce to a track and are easy to build around.

And these are not your average percussion loops…

Every loop in Virgo was meticulously built to be an instant vibe creator.

Meaning these great sources for creating inspiration – because when you hear them you instantly will begin to hear new ideas coming into your head.

Orion: Midi Collection
Coming up with memorable melodies and complex chord progressions can be tough for any producer!

So on top of the 250 MIDI that comes in the Main Zodiac Collection, Orion will provide you with another 250 MIDI files you can drag straight into your DAW and start finding inspiration.

That makes a total of 500 MIDI you get with Zodiac Vol. 2

With that much MIDI you can spend countless hours experimenting and coming up with new melodies for your next big track.

ZODIAC Vol. 2 Collector’s Edition USB’s
250 ZODIAC Vol. 2 Collector’s Edition USB will be given out on a first come, first serve basis.

We’re going to be giving away an Exclusive collector’s edition ZODIAC VOL. 2 USB to the first 250 producers who get a license!

These will come loaded with a special surprise that only those 250 people will receive.

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