FANTASTiC | 16 October 2021 | 924 MB

RV_Sample Packs 的“Mark Fletcher:Massive Breaks”是大量精选的老式 Trip-Hop 鼓部分,可为您的节拍提供强大的力量。

Mark Fletcher 的简历读起来有点像现代爵士乐爱好者的唱片架。从罗尼·斯科特和皮特·金、哈特菲尔德和 The North 以及加里·哈斯班德,到以埃尔顿·迪恩和休·霍珀为主角的 Soft Machine 的最终阵容。弗莱彻的风格极具侵略性,无论是摆动、开槽还是在奇数米处跳舞,都坚如磐石。

重量超过 1 GB,“Mark Fletcher: Massive Breaks”系列充满了丰富的声音循环,这些循环使用最高质量的硬件进行录制和处理,为您提供沉重的 Trip-Hop 鼓的明确、不妥协的声音。轰隆隆的踢腿和致命的圈套将撕裂您的混音,让您的观众在开箱即用的情况下点头。

随着 69 到 99 BPM 之间的突破,该系列将在任何 Trip-Hop、Downtempo、Hip-Hop 和 Lo-Fi 作品中找到一个家,但也可以扭曲和调整以适应大多数其他流派。

详细地说,期望找到 1.03 GB 的内容,所有音频以 24Bit/44.1KHZ 录制。有 142 个干式现场鼓声、142 个混响鼓声和 142 个松脆的鼓声。还包括 426 个 REX2 文件。这些 ruff 鼓循环 100% 免版税,非常适合需要经典声音和温暖质感节奏的节拍制作者。



• 142 次干活鼓声
• 142 次混响鼓声
• 142 次松脆的鼓声
• 426 个 REX2 文件
• 44.1kHz/24 位
• 100% 免版税


‘Mark Fletcher: Massive Breaks’ by RV_Sample Packs is a chunky selection of old-skool Trip-Hop drum sections that will provide a formidable strength to your beats.

Mark Fletcher’s CV reads a bit like a modern Jazz lover’s record shelf. From Ronnie Scott and Pete King, Hatfield and The North and Gary Husband to the final line-up of Soft Machine to feature Elton Dean and Hugh Hopper. Fletcher’s style is deeply aggressive whilst rock solid whether swinging, grooving or dancing round odd metres.

Weighing in at over 1 GB, ‘Mark Fletcher: Massive Breaks’ collection is filled with fat sounding loops that have been recorded and processed using maximum quality hardware to give you the definitive, uncompromising sound of weighty Trip-Hop drums. Booming kicks and deadly snares will tear through your mixdowns and give your audience surging beats to nod their heads to straight out of the box.

With breaks coming through between 69-99 BPM, this collection will find a home in any Trip-Hop, Downtempo, Hip-Hop and Lo-Fi productions, but can also be warped and pitched to fit in with most other genres.

In detail, expect to find 1.03 GB of content, with all audio recorded at 24Bit/44.1KHZ. There are 142 dry live drum breaks, 142 reverb drum breaks and 142 crunchy drum breaks. Also included are 426 REX2 files. These ruff drum loops are 100% Royalty Free and ideal for beat makers in need of classic sounds and warm textured rhythms on demand.

Please note: the musical sounds in the demo track are used solely to display context. This pack contains drum samples only.

Product Details:

• 142 Dry Live Drum Breaks
• 142 Reverb Drum Breaks
• 142 Crunchy Drum Breaks
• 426 REX2 Files
• 44.1kHz/24-Bit
• 100% Royalty-Free

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