30 Nov 2021 | 1.26 GB

Telematic V3 是一款深度采样的 Fender Telecaster 吉他。

我们对它进行了非常深入的采样,所有弦的所有品格都带有上行、下行、循环、释放、断奏、静音、滑动、击弦、拉断、重新触发、fretnoises 和其他发音。所有这些细节都使我们能够轻松再现吉他手的真实演奏。
基本上有 4 种模式,允许演奏旋律的独奏模式,有助于弹奏或轻松弹奏的和弦模式,为您完成所有弹奏或拨弦的模式模式以及允许您使用您的弹奏的 MIDI 模式。首选midi吉他控制器。

它现在在 V2 中,并且脚本已更新为包含与 Sunbird 库相同的功能。请务必查看 Sunbird 库视频以了解其工作原理。
由于很多用户已经拥有 Telematic V1 和 V2,我们保留了补丁和功能,只是添加了 V3 作为单独的补丁。

基本上有 4 种模式(您可以使用按键开关进行选择,G5 到 C6),允许演奏旋律的独奏模式,有助于弹奏或轻松弹奏的和弦模式,完成所有弹奏或弹奏的模式模式为您和允许您使用您喜欢的 MIDI 吉他控制器的 MIDI 模式。

此版本需要 R2R 发布 UVI Falcon。


The Telematic V3 is a deeply sampled Fender Telecaster guitar.

We recorded both pickup separately to give you access to the variety of sounds of this famous guitar model.
We sampled it very deeply, all frets of all strings with upstrokes, downstrokes, round robins, releases, staccatos, mutes, slides, hammer ons, pull offs, retriggers, fretnoises, and other articulations. All of these details allow us to reproduce the real playing of a guitar player, and easily.
There are basically 4 modes, the solo mode that allows to play melodies, the chord mode that helps playing strums or picking very easily, the patterns mode that does all of the strumming or picking for you and the MIDI mode that allows you to use your preffered midi guitar controler.

It is now in V2 and the script was updated to contain the same features as the Sunbird library. Make sure that you check the Sunbird library videos to get an idea of how it works.
Since many users already own the Telematic V1 and V2, we kept the patches and functions and just added the V3 as a separate patch.

All of these details allow us to reproduce the real playing of a guitar player, and easily.
There are basically 4 modes (that you can choose using keyswitches, G5 to C6), the solo mode that allows to play melodies, the chord mode that helps playing strums or picking very easily, the patterns mode that does all of the strumming or picking for you and the MIDI mode that allows you to use your preffered midi guitar controler.

This release requires UVI Falcon release by R2R.


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