FANTASTiC | 02 December 2021 | 707 MB

W. A. Production 呈现《声乐世界》。一个高级样本包,其中包含精心制作的旋律、乐句、排版和大量无伴奏合唱声音。优美的女声小夜曲就像一只深情的鸣禽,有力的传递肯定会给您的听众留下巨大的影响。


我们还包含了一些优雅的合成器循环。这些声音包括弹拨、轻柔轻快的打击垫、钢琴线条、钟声、敲击声等。将这些应用于爵士乐、R&B、流行音乐、Trap 或 Down-tempo 或 Chill。

为了获得水晶般清晰的清晰度,开箱即用的俱乐部就绪声音 World of Vocals 将允许您将人声添加到您的曲目中,听起来就像您自己录制的一样。随意切割任何部分,添加效果,修改和操作以真正使其成为您自己的部分。从您信任的名称中获取您想要的人声样本。从 W. A. Production 选择 World of Vocals。


• 52 个即兴人声循环
•165 歌词线循环
•39 声乐乐句循环
•57 个合成器循环
•100% 免版税

所有音频样本和循环都是 WAV 格式。使它们与任何可以导入 WAV 格式样本的 DAW 兼容。


W. A. Production presents World of Vocals. A premium sample pack full of beautifully crafted melodies, phrases, chops and plenty of A cappella sounds. The beautiful female voice serenades like a soulful songbird making for a powerful delivery sure to leave a huge impact on your listener.

You will get both wet/dry versions, solo and layered versions that ring out like the sweet harmony of a choir. With a wide vocal octave range and a variety of delivery styles, no matter the mood or key of your track. We have you covered. From uplifting and bright, climactic, to touching and heartfelt ballads.

We have also included some elegant synth loops. These sounds include plucks, gentle and breezy pads, piano lines, chimes, percussive sounds and more. Apply these for Jazz, R&B, Pop, Trap or Down-tempo or Chill.

For crystal clear clarity, club-ready sounds right out of the box World of Vocals will allow you to add vocals to your tracks that sound as if you recorded them live yourself. Feel free to chop any sections, add effects, modify and manipulate to truly make it your own. Get the vocal samples you want from the name your trust. Pick up World of Vocals from W. A. Production.

This pack contains the following:

•52 Improvised Vocal Loops
•53 Lyric Harmony Loops
•165 Lyrics Line Loops
•39 Vocal Phrase Loops
•57 Synth Loops
•100% Royalty-Free

All audio samples and loops are in WAV format. Making them compatible with any DAW that can import WAV format samples.

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