MORiA | December, 3 | Standalone | VSTi | VST3i | AUi | 1.32 GB

Kit Generator 现已推出 ARCADE 1.6 版! Kit Generator 是一项全新功能,可让您自动将任何音频文件转换为完整的、随时可用的 ARCADE 套件。现在,您可以从 ARCADE 或您自己的硬盘驱动器中的任何样本轻松创建个性化套件。
我们一直在收集反馈并发现使 ARCADE 变得更好的新方法,所以让我们来看看如何使用 Kit Generator 中提供的新功能优化您的工作流程。
Kit Generator 可让您制作自定义的音色组。选择 ARCADE 中已有的任何示例,或使用您自己的示例。让我们来看看。欢迎使用套件生成器。
* 在 ARCADE 中选择一条线后,选择“样本”选项卡。然后,在任何样本上单击“生成套件”即可开始!您还可以使用自己的样本生成套件。只需将它们拖入 ARCADE,将鼠标悬停在您要使用的那个上,然后单击“生成套件”。然后,ARCADE 将分析所选样本。
* 分析完毕后,可以四处看看 ARCADE 已经如何处理您的样本的所有精彩方式。
* 从屏幕中央的六个 FX 预设中选择一个,以换出可调节的宏,并将您的 Kit 置于理想的声音空间中。或者,完全关闭 FX。
* Kit Generator 会自动改变音高和时间,使您的新 Kit 与会话的当前调和速度相匹配。如果需要进行调整,请单击省略号。然后,设置您喜欢的调和速度,剩下的交给 ARCADE。
* 您可以通过选择位于 FX 集线器下方的四种“切片模式”之一来更改 ARCADE 对样本进行切割和切片的方式。
* 标准模式:选择“标准”模式以根据会话速度及时创建有节奏的循环。
* 拉伸模式:使用“拉伸”模式可以在不改变样本音高的情况下,向上或向下加速循环、反转它们或像钟摆一样来回摆动它们。
* Shifted 模式:“Shifted”模式可以完成“Stretched”模式可以做的所有事情,同时还可以在会话的键内向上或向下倾斜样本。
* 切碎模式:最后,“切碎”模式在样本的整个长度上均匀分布循环。
* 如果需要,您可以随时在 ARCADE 键盘的高 C 上演奏完整的原始 Loop。
最后,像任何自豪的父母一样,为您的 Kit 取一个响亮的名字。并且不要忘记保存!现在,您可以随时通过“自定义套件库”访问您的新套件。
定制 ARCADE 最先进的样本处理引擎从未如此简单,所以走出去,玩得开心,最重要的是……玩得开心。


Mac OS 10.12 Sierra 或更高版本


Kit Generator is here with ARCADE version 1.6! A brand-new feature, Kit Generator lets you automatically transform any audio file into a full, ready-to-play ARCADE Kit. Now you can easily create personalized Kits from any of the samples within ARCADE or your own hard drive.
We’re always collecting feedback and discovering new ways to make ARCADE even better, so let’s take a look at how to optimize your workflow with the new features available in Kit Generator.
Kit Generator lets you make a customized Kit of sounds. Choose any of the samples already in ARCADE, or use your own. Let’s check it out. Welcome to Kit Generator.
How to generate a Kit
* Once you’ve chosen a Line within ARCADE, select the “Samples” tab. Then, click “Generate Kit” on any sample to get started! You can also generate a Kit using your own samples. Simply drag them into ARCADE, hover over the one you want to use, and click “Generate Kit. ARCADE will then analyze the chosen sample.
* Once analyzed, play around to see all the wonderful ways in which ARCADE has already treated your sample.
* Choose from one of six FX presets at the center of your screen to swap out the adjustable macros and nestle your Kit into the ideal sonic space. Or, turn the FX off altogether.
* Kit Generator automatically shifts pitch and time to match your new Kit with the session’s current key and tempo. If you need to make an adjustment, click the ellipses. Then, set your preferred key and tempo, and let ARCADE do the rest.
How to tweak your custom Kit
* You can change the way ARCADE chops and slices your sample by selecting one of the four “slicing modes,” located beneath the FX hub.
* Standard mode: Select “Standard” mode to create rhythmic Loops in time with the session tempo.
* Stretched mode: Use “Stretched” mode to speed Loops up or down, reverse them, or swing them back and forth like a pendulum without altering the sample’s pitch.
* Shifted mode: “Shifted” mode does everything that “Stretched”mode can do while also pitching the sample up or down within the session’s key.
* Chopped mode: Finally, “Chopped” mode evenly distributes Loops across the entire length of a sample.
* If you want, you can always play the full, original Loop on the high C of ARCADE’s keyboard.
Finally, like any proud parent, give your Kit a strong name. And don’t forget to save! Now, you can access your new Kit any time via the “Custom Kits Library.”
It’s never been so easy to customize ARCADE’s state-of-the-art sample-processing engine, so get out there, play nice, and most importantly…have fun.

REQ: Operating System
Mac OS 10.12 Sierra or higher


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