P2P | 3 December 2021 | 8.14 GB

可大规模定制; 5 个信号源,超过 47,000 个样本
具有按音符发声和调音控制的 3 总线架构




Attack EP88 以完美修复的 88 键 Rhodes Mark 开始,我在每个琴槌的打击面上都准备了黄铜大头钉。该项目的目标本质上是提供一个围绕该乐器构建的完整虚拟工作室,允许用户在他们想要的时间和方式中自定义和探索它。正确地做到这一点需要许多声源和每个声源的大量录音。在整个过程中,从设备选择到最终编辑,从 UI 和预设设计到组装,一切都非常注重质量和细节。

对于声学信号,我们使用了一对立体声 Bruel 和 Kjaer 麦克风,一个 Neumann U67 处于单声道位置和按键录音,接触式麦克风直接连接到音叉上。对于每个音符,每个音源记录了 8 个力度和最多 5 个循环,以及持续和释放样本的 5 个循环。这对电源进行了 3 次,对包含的 3 种声音中的每一种都进行了一次(其中大头钉位置在琴槌上发生了变化,导致颜色从深到薄的变化)。进行了额外的录音以捕捉踏板向上和踏板向下的声音,这是为单声道、立体声、接触和 DI 信号完成的,每个信号都有 7 个循环。这个过程的结果是一个超过 47,000 个样本的工作基础,一个真正庞大的库,甚至可以捕捉到钢琴最微妙的细微差别。

下一个任务是将这种巨大的样品复杂性提炼成一个集中且易于使用的仪器。 Attack EP88 的音频源通过三条总线在内部路由,一条用于接触式麦克风,一条用于单声道和立体声麦克风,另一条用于 DI 和电子管通道。每条总线都配备了许多有用的混音工具,包括包络和效果,让您可以轻松拨打特定的声音或探索新的声音。

用户界面经过精心设计,使编辑这些信号尽可能简单,UI 顶部有声源,底部有电。原声总线配备了 3 段均衡器、Dual Delay 和 Sparkverb,以及带有失真的电动总线、8 声部 Thorus、移相器、Dual Delay 和 Sparkverb。

这些总线的完全控制是通过 3 个页面进行的,主要、FX 和设置。第四页也是最后一页提供每个音符的发声控制(每个都代表每个源完全独特的样本集)和每个音符的调音控制。 Attack EP88 带有 70 个专业设计的预设,可快速展示其奇妙的细节和非凡的声音广度。这些可以用作即用型配置或用于近乎无限探索的启动板。

Attack EP88 是一款易于使用但深度出色的乐器,大多数人不太可能很快用完。 Attack EP88 提供从基本 DI 设置到带有自定义包络和效果的丰富而精致的多通道配置的所有内容,提供了极端的多功能性、音乐质量和即时性,使其成为使用的乐趣和灵感。

88 键 Rhodes Mark 1 用黄铜钉制作
5 个离散且完全可混合的信号(DI、电子管、触点、单声道和立体声对)
通过 3 条总线(接触式、单声道和立体声以及 DI 和电子管)路由的内部信号
每个总线的独立包络和效果(包括 Thorus、Dual Delay 和 Sparkverb)
8 个力度层和每个麦克风、每个音符最多 5 个循环
踏板、踏板和关键噪音录音(每个 7 循环)
每个音符的发声控制(记录 3 个大头针位置、每个信号、每个音符)
70 个预设
47,000 多个样本库,无损流式传输以提高速度和效率


World’s first tacked electric piano library
Massively customizable; 5 signal sources, over 47,000 samples
3-bus architecture with per-note voicing and tuning control

Tack Piano
A ‘tack’ piano is a form of prepared piano most commonly seen on acoustic uprights where, as in this example, each of the hammers has had a brass tack or metal device installed on or between the mallets and the resonators. The sound is most definitely still piano but the initial attack phase is accentuated, it’s more present, with a resonant metallic brilliance.
As it turns out this preparation is quite exceptional on electric piano. The tonal character is almost bell-like in quality, giving a completely new perspective and life to the classic electric piano sound.


Attack EP88 begins with a perfectly restored 88-key Rhodes Mark I prepared with a brass tack on the striking surface of each hammer. The goal of the project was to essentially deliver an entire virtual studio built around this instrument, allowing users to customize and explore it when and how they want. Doing this properly requires a number of sound sources and quite extensive recordings of each. Throughout, the utmost attention to quality and detail was made for everything from equipment selection to final editing, from UI and preset design to assembly.

Immaculate Detail
For the acoustic signals we employed a stereo pair of Bruel and Kjaer mics, a Neumann U67 in the mono position and per-key recordings with a contact mic attached directly to the tine. For each note 8 velocities and up to 5 round-robins were recorded per-source, along with 5 round-robins for both the sustain and release samples. This was done 3 times for the electric sources, once for each of the 3 included voicings (where the tack position is shifted on the hammer, resulting in changes of color from deep to thin). Additional recordings were made to capture the pedal-up and pedal-down sounds, this was done for the mono, stereo, contact and DI signals with 7 round-robins for each. The result of this process was a working base of over 47,000 samples, a truly massive library that beautifully captured even the most subtle nuances of the piano.

The next task was to distill this enormous sample complexity into a focused and easy-to-use instrument. Attack EP88’s audio sources are routed internally via three busses, one for the contact mic, one for mono and stereo mics, and one for the DI and tube channels. Each bus is equipped with a number of useful mixing tools including envelopes and effects, making it easy to dial in particular sounds or explore new ones.

The user interface was carefully designed to make editing these signals as simple as possible, with acoustic sources at the top of the UI and electric at the bottom. The acoustic busses are equipped with a 3-band EQ, Dual Delay and Sparkverb, and the electric bus with distortion, the 8-voice Thorus, phaser, Dual Delay and Sparkverb.

Full control of these busses is made across 3 pages, Main, FX and Settings. A fourth and final page provides per-note control of voicing (each of which represents an entirely unique sample set per-source) and per-note control of tuning. Attack EP88 comes with 70 expertly designed presets which quickly display its fantastic detail and extraordinary sonic breadth. These can be used either as ready-to-play configurations or launchpads for near-endless exploration.

Unlike Any Other
Attack EP88 is an easy-to-use yet brilliantly deep instrument, one most people aren’t likely to quickly exhaust. Providing everything from basic DI setups to rich and elaborate multi-channel configurations with custom envelopes and effects, Attack EP88 provides an extreme versatility, musical quality and immediacy that make it both a joy and inspiration to use.

88-key Rhodes Mark 1 prepared with brass tacks
5 discrete and fully mixable signals (DI, tube, contact, mono and stereo pair)
Internal signal routed via 3 busses (contact, mono and stereo, and DI and tube)
Independent envelopes and effects per-bus (including Thorus, Dual Delay and Sparkverb)
8 velocity layers and up to 5 round-robins per-mic, per-note
Pedal-up, pedal-down and key noise recordings (7 round-robins each)
Contact mic recordings made per tine
Per-note voicing control (3 tack positions recorded, per-signal, per-note)
Per-note tuning control
Intuitive and easy-to-use interface
70 presets
47,000+ sample library, losslessly streamed for speed and efficiency
Flexible licensing supports 3 concurrent authorizations

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