Team DECiBEL | 03 Dec 2021 | 479.4MB

独立舞蹈正在席卷全球,Goom Gum、Damon Jee、Tunnelvisions 和 Adana Twins 等艺术家日益流行。 Indie Dance 2 呈现出由这些艺术家的作品所封装的时尚而充满活力的声音景观。与往常一样,这个包是 100% 免版税的。


所有循环文件夹的速度均为 123bpm,并且各个样本的调性各不相同。旋律循环被分解为多个部分,例如:



与往常一样,我们提供了 6 个标志性的 Songstarter 构建套件,可让您快速获得创意。只需将这些词干或单音拖放到您的 DAW 中,您就已经拥有了杀手级唱片的基础。

虽然这个包的主要灵感来自独立舞曲的声音,但您会在这里找到几乎适合任何电子类型的音频文件和预设,从 House 到 Techno,一直到 Progressive 和 Future Bass。

20 x Bass Hits(标有琴键)
10 个带变化的低音循环(总共 35 个)
20 x 拍手
20 顶帽子
20 x Kicks(键标记)
20 x 打击乐
20 x 军鼓
20 个带变化的鼓循环(共 80 个)
30 倍效果
41 x Melodic Loops(标有琴键)
20 个低音 MIDI
24 x 旋律 MIDI
40 x 血清预设
6 x Songstarters
20 x Synth Hits(标有琴键)


Indie Dance is taking the world by storm at the minute with artists like Goom Gum, Damon Jee, Tunnelvisions and Adana Twins growing in popularity by the day. Indie Dance 2 takes on the stylish and vibrant sonic-landscape capsulated by these artists’ productions. As always, this pack is 100% royalty-free.

The eclectic selections of melodic loops and one-shots accompanied by the tough and heavily processed drums and bass riffs will fit effortlessly in your sample library.

All of the loops folders are at 123bpm and the key of the individual samples vary. The melodic loops are broken down into multiple parts for example:


This is to enable maximum flexibility.

As always, we provide 6 of our trademark songstarter construction kits which allow you to get ideas flowing rapidly. Simply drag and drop and of these stems or one-shots into your DAW and you’ll already have the basis of a killer record.

Although this pack is primarily inspired by the Indie Dance sound, you’ll find audio files and presets in here that will fit virtually ANY electronic genre, from House to Techno all the way to Progressive and Future Bass.

20 x Bass Hits (Key labelled)
10 x Bass Loops w/ variations (35 in total)
20 x Claps
20 x Hats
20 x Kicks (Key Labeled)
20 x Percussion
20 x Snares
20 x Drum Loops w/ variations (80 in total)
30 x FX
41 x Melodic Loops (Key labelled)
20 x Bass MIDI
24 x Melodic MIDI
40 x Serum Presets
6 x Songstarters
20 x Synth Hits (Key labelled)

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