FANTASTiC | 03 December 2021 | 480 MB

Percussion Science 带来了一些新的、前所未有的采样打击乐器,专为当今的音乐制作人而设计。这些声音可以用于任何风格,并且在声学上很特别,因为它们是最近才发明的,与传统的打击乐器混合在一起。所有这些都是为现代音乐和节拍录制、表演和设计的。


Percussion Science 深入探讨了使用已经独特的原始声音录制的元素,这些声音基本上是声音设计领域,以及来自声音制作和来自稀有来源的有机声学纹理的有趣平衡。


从 RARE percussion 中寻找更多 Percussion Science!

•92 一杆
•348 个循环


Percussion Science brings some new, never before sampled percussion instruments curated for today’s music maker. These sounds can work in any style and are acoustically special as they have only recently been invented, Mixed in with traditional percussion instruments. All recorded, performed, and designed for modern music and beats.

These sounds are great for trap, lofi, EDM, RnB, cinematic, soundscapes, film scoring, and so much more.

Percussion Science dives into the elements of using already unique, raw sounds recorded basically dry to the realm of sound design and the interesting balance that comes from sound production and organic, acoustic textures from rare sources.

Instruments found in this pack come from all over the world. From traditional Samba bass drums to invented hybrid cajons using springs from Japan. These sounds are raw and designed. Some sound like they’ve been processed when its actually their original, dry sound. Dive into Percussion Science and see what you find!

Be on the lookout for more Percussion Science from RARE percussion!

•92 one shots
•348 loops


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