Soundlib G-Player v2.0.5 | 5.8 MB

无需转换。 G-Player是本机Gigastudio文件播放器,旨在播放需要磁盘流传输的大型存储库。 G-Player允许您快速修改某些程序参数(ADSR,VCA,VCF …),而无需编辑和保存giga文件。

不用随机结果就可以进行转换和导入。节省时间和磁盘空间。 G-Player无需任何转换即可播放所有Gigastudio™声音库。 G-Player旨在播放大型管弦乐队的声音库,并支持磁盘流,尺寸,键开关和分层乐器。

在Gigastudio™文件中,每个样本区域都有其自己的包络和参数,当文件转换为另一种需要对具有相似参数的区域进行分组的采样器格式时,通常会丢失这些信封和参数。不适用于G-Player。 G-Player以最佳细节播放所有样本。


G-Player针对Gigastudio™格式进行了优化,在内存和CPU使用方面非常高效。 G-Player可以播放和流经压缩和加速的样本,与其他任何基于转换的解决方案相比,其硬盘活动更少。


Soundlib G-Player v2.0.1(Win / Mac OS X)
•在Mac OSX 10.4和更高版本上运行
•在Windows XP,Vista和7(32位和64位)上运行
•Mac OS X上的插件版本:VST,AudioUnit和RTAS


No conversion required. G-Player is a native Gigastudio file player designed to play the large banks that require disk streaming. G-Player allows you to quickly modify some program parameters (ADSR, VCA, VCF…) without having to edit and save the giga file.

No conversion required
Forget converting and importing with random results. Save time and disk space. G-Player plays all your Gigastudio™ sound libraries without any conversion. G-Player was designed to play the large orchestral sound libraries and supports disk streaming, dimensions, keyswitches and layered instruments.

Lost in translation
In a Gigastudio™ file, every sample zone has its own envelopes and parameters, this is usually lost when the file is converted to another sampler format that needs to group zones with similar parameters. Not with G-Player. G-Player plays all the samples with the finest level of detail.

Best Gigastudio™ player
G-Player was created to emulate the Gigastudio™ sound as close as possible. When other samplers can only improve their Gigastudio™ file import, we work directly on the audio engine until we get a perfect result. For example, G-Player is the only sampler that emulates the 3 velocity curves of Gigastudio™ (linear, non-linear and special).

G-Player is optimized for the Gigastudio™ format and is very efficient in memory and CPU usage. G-Player can play and stream the compressed and accelerated samples which results in less hard disk activity than any another conversion based solution.

Easy editing
The most commonly used sample parameters are directly accessible on the main window. For example, you can decrease or increase the release time of all the samples with just one knob.

Multi-Layer crossfade
G-Player can play layered instruments with up to 8 layers of crossfade. Each layer’s crossfade is defined by 4 points which precisely determine the fade in and fade out segments. This feature is used by the most prestigious Gigastudio™ sound libraries and is natively supported by G-Player.

• No conversion required
• Does not require a GSIF audio card
• Runs on Mac OSX 10.4 and later
• Runs on Windows XP, Vista and 7 (32 and 64 bits)
• Stand-alone version
• Plug-in version on Mac OS X : VST, AudioUnit and RTAS
• Plug-in version on Windows : VST
• Memory and CPU efficient
• Easy parameter editing
• Buit in Gigastudio™ file browser
• Favorite menu creation for faster file access
• Stacking mode
• Includes the G-Solo plug-in


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