AudioZ Exclusive | .ufs | 10.5 GB

Urban Vault 是一款三重威胁软件,可在一个易于使用的软件插件中利用多采样乐器、循环和单次采样的制作能力。 Urban Vault 拥有现代音质、多样化的音色、内置效果等,拥有制作当今各种流行城市音乐流派的武器库。

Urban Vault 中共有 300 种鼓舞人心的多采样乐器,其中包括 30 个具有 Trap、EDM、Hip Hop、R&B、Pop 和 Soul 风格的无线电就绪构造循环集。这些声音和套件由 MVP PLATINUM 开发,MVP PLATINUM 是一支由多白金制作人、工程师、音乐家和词曲作者组成的完善团队,负责全球销售的数百万张唱片,因此您在开始之前就已经打下了坚实的基础生产。


300 种多重采样乐器
30 个构建套件,包含循环、样本、即兴演奏和一次镜头
音符重复 – 非常适合陷阱、EDM、流行音乐和嘻哈风格
键分配 – 选择一个声音并立即将它在键盘上传播
和弦分配 – 播放和弦或进程并将其分配到打击垫以方便播放
调谐、输入量化、锁存、简单的 MIDI 分配和 Pitch/Drop & Rise FX
Mac 和 PC 兼容
无需 iLok 加密狗

Urban Vault 基于世界知名的 UVI 声音引擎开发,具有广泛的板载效果,包括 HP/LP 滤波器、混响、延迟、失真、均衡器、压缩、调制效果和现代口吃效果以及增强的制作工作流程音符重复、和弦分配、滑音、键分配和样本交换等功能,让您能够创建自己的自定义套件,或替换单个样本以获得完全原创的音乐作品。


Virtual Instrument, Construction Kits, On-board Effects and more.
Urban Vault is a triple-threat software that harnesses the production power of multi-sampled instruments, loops, and one-shot samples all in one easy-to-use Software Plug-in. With a modern sonic quality, diverse sound palette, built-in effects and more, Urban Vault has the arsenal to produce a wide range of today’s popular urban music genres.

There are a total of 300 inspiring, multi-sampled instruments available inside Urban Vault, with 30 radio-ready construction loop sets in the styles of Trap, EDM, Hip Hop, R&B, Pop, and Soul. These sounds and kits were developed by MVP PLATINUM, a well-established team of multi-platinum producers, engineers, musicians, and songwriters who are responsible for millions of records sold worldwide, so you’ve got a solid foundation started before you even begin production.

Urban Vault Features:

300 multi-sampled instruments
30 construction kits containing loops, samples, riffs, and one shots
On-Board Effects
Modern Stutter Effect
Create your own customized kits, or simply replace a sample
16 MPC style pads with 4 groups
Note Repeat – perfect for trap, EDM, pop, and hip hop styles
Key Assign – select a sound and instantly spread it chromatically across the keyboard
Chord Assign – play a chord or progression and assign it to a pad for easy playback
Tune, Input Quantize, Latch, Easy MIDI Assign, and Pitch/Drop & Rise FX
Mac & PC Compatible
World-renowned UVI Engine
No iLok dongle required

Developed on the world-renowned UVI sound engine, Urban Vault features a wide range of on-board effects including HP/LP Filters, Reverb, Delay, Distortion, EQ, Compression, Modulation Effects, and a Modern Stutter Effect along with enhanced production workflow features like Note Repeat, Chord Assign, Glide, Key Assign, and Sample Exchange that allows you the ability to create your own customized kits, or replace individual samples for completely original music productions.

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