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KEYSCAPE® 是一款非凡的虚拟乐器,拥有世界上最多的收藏键盘选择。从“圣杯”钢琴到您甚至不知道存在的令人惊叹的键盘,这是键盘手的梦想成真。

经过十年的制作,这些广受欢迎的键盘都经过精心修复,然后由著名的 Spectrasonics 声音开发团队进行深度多重采样。这些引人入胜且极具表现力的声音将激发您的演奏灵感!


虽然每个演奏键盘手的梦想都是在任何地方都能立即使用最好的乐器,但 Keyscape 在工作室中对于制作人和作曲家来说同样有用。由于这些乐器可以通过引擎盖下强大的 STEAM Engine® 轻松转换成令人惊叹的“虚幻”声音,Keyscape 可以轻松地将这些令人垂涎的历史乐器转变为未来的创新声音。

为每个 Patch 呈现的自定义控件使您能够超越原始声音。直观的界面包括有用的性能控制和为每个 Patch 特制的高品质创意效果处理。数百个随附的 Patch 展示了非凡的多功能性和为您的音乐自定义这些标志性声音的能力。

Microsoft Windows 7 或更高版本
VST 2.4 或支持 AAX 的主机软件


KEYSCAPE® is an extraordinary virtual instrument featuring the largest selection of collector keyboards in the world. From “holy grail” pianos to stunning keyboards you didn’t even know existed, this is a keyboardist’s dream come true.

Ten years in the making, each of these sought-after keyboards was carefully restored and then deeply multisampled by the renowned Spectrasonics Sound Development Team. These compelling and highly expressive sounds will inspire you to PLAY!

The process began with going to the ends of the earth to find and restore each one of these rare and incredibly special instruments with the top technicians and expert craftsmen from each discipline. We even went as far as spending years redoing these instruments from scratch again and again until they were totally “right.” This incredible attention to detail and meticulous care given to each instrument allowed us to develop these sounds to a whole new level of authentic tone.

While it’s every performing keyboardist’s dream to have the very best instruments instantly available anywhere, Keyscape is equally useful in the studio for producers and composers. Since these instruments can be easily transformed into amazing “unreal” sounds with the powerful STEAM Engine® under the hood, Keyscape easily turns these coveted instruments from History into innovative new sounds of the Future.

Custom Controls
The Custom Controls presented for each Patch allow you to go far beyond the original sound. The intuitive interface includes useful performance controls and high-quality creative effects processing specially crafted for each Patch. Hundreds of included Patches showcase the remarkable versatility and ability to dramatically customize these iconic sounds to your music.

System Requirements:
Microsoft Windows 7 or higher
VST 2.4 or AAX-capable host software
64-bit host


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