P2P | 13 December 2021 | 710 MB

Akai Professional 和 Marco Polo 自豪地发布 Pad Thai Deluxe Vol 2!

再次复仇,这次更难!第 2 卷从第 1 卷停止的地方开始,更深入地介绍了适合您下一次制作的自定义breakbeats,无论风格如何。

Pad Thai Deluxe 精选了马可波罗广受赞誉的国际知名“Pad Thai”架子鼓系列中的精华。马可波罗以拥有游戏中最硬、最脏的鼓而闻名,他花了数年时间挖掘唱片并应用相同的方法来组装他的架子鼓。 Marco 曾为 Rakim、Scarface、Masta Ace、Pharoahe Monch、Westside Gunn 和 Talib Kweli 等一些嘻哈巨星制作音乐。

这本质上是 Pad thai 在一个全新的水平上,具有 24 个全新的完全组合的节拍/pgms,包括音乐、贝斯和鼓元素,让您的节拍以最小的努力敲响。纽约布鲁克林的泥土和沙砾混合了悠闲的氛围,马可称之为家。使用礼物和演示来捕捉您自己的氛围或引导您踏上新的音乐之旅。这些声音已准备好以最少的处理来摇滚 RAW。重击、重击和泥土是这里的游戏名称。无论是单拍还是切碎的原始破拍,此套件都能为您提供灵感,以产生任何现代或老派 Hip Hop 氛围。

请务必查看马可波罗的 YouTube 系列“MP On The MP”第 1 季,以更深入地了解在他的制作过程中使用泰语! MP 已将他的 MPC 2000 Xl 工作流程/方法提升到现代 Akai 世界的新水平,我们很高兴您听到这个将改变游戏规则的全新套件。


Akai Professional and Marco Polo are proud to release Pad Thai Deluxe Vol 2!

Back again with a vengeance and this time even harder! Volume 2 picks up where volume 1 left off and goes even deeper into custom breakbeats perfect for your next production regardless of style.

Pad Thai Deluxe features the cream of the crop taken from Marco Polo’s highly acclaimed and internationally known” Pad Thai” drum kit series. Known for having some of the hardest and dustiest drums in the game, Marco Polo has spent years digging for records and applying that same approach to assembling his drum kits. Marco has produced for some of the greats in Hip Hop such as Rakim, Scarface, Masta Ace, Pharoahe Monch, Westside Gunn & Talib Kweli, to name a few.

This is essentially Pad thai on a whole new level with 24 brand new fully composed beats/pgms including musical, bass and drum elements to get your beats knocking with minimal effort. A mixture of laid back vibes to the dirt and grit of Brooklyn, New York, where Marco calls home. Use the presents and demos to catch your own vibe or guide you on a new musical journey. These sounds are ready to rock RAW with minimal processing. Punch, thump and dirt is the name of the game here. Whether it’s one-shots or chopped original breakbeats, this kit has you covered for the inspiration to produce any modern or old school Hip Hop vibe.

Be sure to check out Marco Polo’s youtube series “MP On The MP” season 1 for a deeper look into using pad thai in his production process! MP has taken his MPC 2000 Xl workflow/approach to new levels in the modern Akai world, and we’re excited for you to hear this brand new kit that will change the game.

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