FANTASTiC | 11 December 2021 | 736 MB

Derrick Wright 被认为是国际音乐界的顶级鼓手之一。 他曾为 Toni Braxton、Babyface、Thalia、Adele 和许多其他人巡回演出。 您可能没有听说过 Derrick Wright,但您已经在他的鼓录音和现场表演中摇头、移动臀部并用脚轻拍。 他赢得了全球许多音乐高管、音乐家、艺术家同行和粉丝的尊重。

在此次 Splice Originals 发行版中,Derrick 提供了多种鼓组合,可与 R&B、灵魂乐、福音和较慢的流行音乐完美搭配,但可以融入任何流派。 你会在这个包中找到所有鼓必需品,带有节奏循环和典型的单拍。 深入了解闪烁的钹、有节奏的落地嗵鼓、快速踩镲、重击踢等等——所有这些都受到他在全国和世界各地的录音项目和表演的启发。

•58 一杆
•225 个循环


Derrick Wright is considered one of the top drummers in the music industry internationally. He has toured the world playing for Toni Braxton, Babyface, Thalia, Adele, and many others. You might not have heard of Derrick Wright, but you’ve bopped your head, moved your hips, and tapped your feet to his drum recordings and live performances. He has gained respect from many music executives, musicians, fellow artists, and fans around the globe.

For this Splice Originals release, Derrick serves up a versatile mix of drums that work well with R&B, soul, gospel, and slower pop, but can fit into any genre. You’ll find all of the drum essentials in this pack with rhythmic loops and quintessential one-shots. Dig into shimmering cymbals, rhythmic floor toms, speedy hi-hats, pounding kicks, and more—all inspired by his recording projects and performances from across the country and around the world.

•58 one shots
•225 loops


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