一款音频标签处理软件,Music Tag Editor Mac版可以帮您批量的处理你音乐的标签,Music Tag Editor还可以帮用户生成音乐播放列表,这款软件还自己带有播放器,支持音乐的播放。

File size: 18 MB
Music Tag Editor can help you edit your music-tag info easily and effectively. You can also use it to convert the text encoding of music tags. It can repair the messy code in music tags. You also can download the album image for MP3 files.

You also can download the album image for MP3 from internet. Also, you can search tags of music file from Amazon or MusicBrainz cloud services.
Support Music formats: MP3, M4A (Apple lossless), MP4, FLAC, APE, AIFF, WAV , Ogg files, asf, mkv, dsf, dsd…
Support ID3V1, ID3V2.3,ID3V2.4, xiphComments, APE Tag, Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Speex, Ogg Flac.

Main features:

1. support id3v1,id3v2,xiphComments, RIFF Info, APE Tag, Ogg Tags,iTunes tags. Tags:Title,Artist,Album,Genre,Copyright,Comments,Artworks,Lyrics and so on…
lyrics you saved to file can be show correctly in you iPhone or iPod music player.
2. support batch processing of lots of music files,support iTunes importing.
3. Online album image download,multi album image supported.
4. batch rename audio file with metadata
5. batch convert file name to tags
6. user can change,convert the tag text encoding easily, it also can repair messy code in situations.
7. Fully iTunes Tag supported.
8. Support strip APE or ID3V1 tags in mp3 files
9. support to save id3v2.3 or id3v2.4 tags!
10. Batch clean tags
11. Built-IN Music player for all audio formats

Advance features in pro version:
1.Edit Additional and Advanced Tags.
2.Custom and edit any tags you want.
3.Batch Find & Replace all tag fields in one click.
4.MusicBrainZ Cloud services supported.

Supported Operation Systems:
OS X 10.9 or later 64-bit


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