Team DECiBEL | 14 Dec 2021 | 1.05GB

受传奇的 Mellotron 磁带重播键盘的启发,GForce Software 的 Re-Tron 以直观、音乐和灵活的乐器为 Reason 用户带来了一组独特且令人回味无穷的 Mellotron 音色。

Re-Tron 仍然忠实于原始乐器的 35 音符 8 秒限制,让您可以直接访问来自原始英国 Mellotron 制造商和宏伟的 M4000 Streetly Electronics 制造商的 40 个优质磁带库。

使用 Re-Tron 作为这些标志性声音的直接播放设备,或者通过双层和综合编辑功能创建您自己的定制混合 ‘tron 补丁,这些补丁注入过去的所有角色,而无需花费拥有和维护原始仪器。

基于屡获殊荣的 M-Tron Pro,Re-Tron 提供了多项独特的功能,包括以前从未以任何数字格式发布的多个磁带库,以及背板调制输入和输出以及 CV 门控原因提供。

– ‘tron 善良的 35 条笔记
– 磁带反转
– 磁带半速
– 用于混合声音的双层功能
– 每层综合合成部分
– 每层多模式过滤器
– 全局延迟和合奏效果
– 灵活的后面板路由提供了大量的交叉调制选项
– 四十个独家’Tron磁带库:

大提琴、合唱团(8 声混音)、教堂管风琴、单簧管、组合合唱团、电吉他、女合唱团、长笛、法国圆号、GC3 铜管乐器、格洛克与钟声、洛瑞与莱斯利、M300B 小提琴、M400 Vibes、男声合唱团、曼陀林、米勒黄铜、管弦乐队、钢琴、泵管风琴、次中音萨克斯、小号、小提琴、酒杯、木管乐器、15 合唱团、中音萨克斯、男孩合唱团、天籁、古典弦乐、哥特式、半速铜管、分层合唱团、MkII 铜管、双簧管、弦乐部分, Vibes, Viola, Watcher Mix & Woodwind 2。

– 独特的复古氛围。


Inspired by the legendary Mellotron tape replay keyboard, GForce Software’s Re-Tron brings a unique and highly evocative set of Mellotron tones to Reason users in an intuitive, musical and flexible instrument.

Remaining faithful to the 35 note 8 second limitation of the original instrument, Re-Tron gives you direct access to 40 premium tape banks from the original British Mellotron manufacturer and makers of the magnificent M4000, Streetly Electronics.

Use Re-Tron either as straightforward playback device for these iconic sounds, or, via the dual-layer and comprehensive editing features, create your own bespoke, hybrid ‘tron patches which inject all the character from days gone by without the expense of owning and maintaining an original instrument.

Based on the multi-award winning M-Tron Pro, Re-Tron offers several unique features, including several tape banks that have never previously been released in any digital format, as well as the back-panel Modulation Inputs & Outputs and CV Gate control that Reason affords.

– 35 Notes of ‘tron goodness
– Tape reverse
– Tape half speed
– Dual Layer capability for mixing sounds
– Comprehensive synthesis section for each layer
– Multimode filter for each layer
– Global Delay and Ensemble Effects
– Flexible back panel routing providing a raft of cross-modulation options
– Forty exclusive ‘Tron tape banks:

Cello, Choir (8 Voice Mixed), Church Organ, Clarinet, Combined Choir, Electric Guitar, Female Choir, Flute, French Horn, GC3 Brass, Glock & Bells, Lowrey & Leslie, M300B Violins, M400 Vibes, Male Choir, Mandolin, Miller Brass, Orchestra, Piano, Pump Organ, Tenor Sax, Trumpet, Violins, Wineglass, Woodwind, 15 Choir, Alto Sax, Boys Choir, Celeste, Classic Strings, Gothic, Halfspeed Brass, Layered Choir, MkII Brass, Oboe, String Section, Vibes, Viola, Watcher Mix & Woodwind 2.

– Unique vintage vibe.

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