AudioZ Exclusive | pkg | 526 MB

Soulful Instruments 扩展正是您对 MSXII 声音设计所期望的关注和质量的细节。 64 组老式立式钢琴、Precision Bass、Rhodes、喇叭、EP、Wurlizter、Clavs、风琴、老式模拟合成器等等!通过高品质的老式前置放大器和外置设备进行跟踪和处理,这款 MPC 扩展包将立即将您的超音速提升到一个新的水平!

Akai Professional 和 MSXII Sound Design 很荣幸为您带来我们 MPC 扩展乐器系列的最新声音包。

Soulful Instruments 扩展正是您对 MSXII 声音设计所期望的关注和质量的细节。 64 组老式立式钢琴、Precision Bass、Rhodes、喇叭、EP、Wurlizter、Clavs、风琴、老式模拟合成器等等!通过高质量的老式前置放大器和外置设备进行跟踪和处理,这款 MPC 扩展包将立即将您的超音速提升到一个新的水平!

为了更进一步,MSXII Sound Design 利用 MPC 附带的令人难以置信的库存 FX 来增强 The Soulful Instruments 的声音。您会发现这个扩展包既是一套独特的工具,也是一种学习工具。目的是让你学习这种内部信号处理,成为更好的音乐制作人!

按照惯例,MSXII Sound Design 和 Akai 联手打造了另一款经久不衰的乐器。感受到灵魂音乐。灵魂音乐是永恒的。灵魂音乐已经并将继续经得起时间的考验。 Soulful Instruments MPC 扩展包就是根据这个谱系构建的。 Soulful Instruments 与 MPC Live I & II、MPC X、MPC One、Akai Force 和 MPC 软件兼容。

*演示包括来自灵魂提供者 1 和 2 扩展的鼓和打击乐*


The Soulful Instruments expansion is exactly the detail to attention and quality you’ve come to expect from MSXII Sound Design. 64 key groups of vintage upright pianos, Precision Bass, Rhodes, horns, EPs, Wurlizter, Clavs, Organs, vintage analog synths, and much more! Tracked and processed through high quality, vintage preamps & outboard gear, this MPC Expansion pack will take your sonics to the next level immediately!

The Soulful Instruments
Akai Professional & MSXII Sound Design are proud to bring you the latest in our MPC Expansion Instrument Series sound packs.

The Soulful Instruments expansion is exactly the detail to attention and quality you’ve come to expect from MSXII Sound Design. 64 key groups of vintage upright pianos, Precision Bass, Rhodes, horns, EPs, Wurlizter, Clavs, Organs, vintage analog synths, and much more! Tracked and processed through high quality, vintage preamps & outboard gear, this MPC Expansion pack will take your sonics to the next level immediately!

To take it a step further, MSXII Sound Design has utilized the incredible stock set of FX that ship with the MPC to enhance the sounds in The Soulful Instruments. You’ll find that this expansion pack is every bit of a learning tool as much as it is a unique set of instruments. The intention is for you to study this internal signal processing to become a better music producer!

Per usual, MSXII Sound Design & Akai have teamed up to build another timeless instrument. Soul music is felt. Soul music is timeless. Soul music has and will continue to stand the test of time. The Soulful Instruments MPC Expansion pack is built from this pedigree. The Soulful Instruments is compatible with the MPC Live I & II, MPC X, MPC One, Akai Force, and MPC Software.

*Demos include drums & percussion from the Soul Provider 1 & 2 expansions*

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